Brussels, Belgium
October 18, 2004
USDA/FAS GAIN Report E37075
On October 18, 2004 the European
Council, comprising agriculture ministers from the 25 Member
States, unanimously adopted the new “European Action Plan for
organic food and farming” which was published last June.
The plan was proposed by the
European Commission and consists of 21 items focused on
developing the organic market through information, more
effective government policy on organic farming and improvement
of standards, controls and research.
The member states view the organic
Action Plan as a major step forward. Their agriculture ministers
requested the Commission to implement this program without
delay, and to advance the implementation of the Action Plan on
the basis of concrete measures so as to simplify and improve the
organic sector.
Support was given to all 21 items.
The most important are:
Information, campaigns and making use of the EU logo to
increase consumer awareness.
analysis and statistics in the sector.
Optimization of the integration of organic farming into the
programs for rural development.
Strengthening of research.
Definition of basic principles.
Completion of continued harmonization of the standards.
Clarification of GMO-related matters.
Adjustment of control regulations and improvement of
cooperation between control agencies.
Implementation of measures to facilitate trade. Particularly
facilitating the access of developing countries to the
As an Annex to the Council
Conclusions is a declaration by ten of the member states, asking
the Commission to take appropriate initiatives with respect to
the thresholds for seeds in order to ensure GMO-free production,
and stressing the importance attached to the coexistence of
organic and GM-crops.
More information about the Action
Plan can be found in GAIN-report E34025.
The Action Plan and Commission
Working Documents providing background analysis on the 21 action
items can be downloaded from:
The full
Action Plan comprises:
- An official
"Communication" from the Commission to the Council
and the European Parliament [pdf]
setting out 21
- a Commission staff
working document [pdf]
containing a background analysis and a comprehensive
description of the proposals.