Indianapolis, Indiana
October 1, 2004
Dow AgroSciences LLC has received full registration for
WideStrike™ Insect
Protection from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), clearing the new cotton trait for market introduction in
"This is a
very exciting day for Dow AgroSciences and for the cotton
industry," said Pete Siggelko, vice president of plant genetics
and biotechnology for Dow AgroSciences. "WideStrike allows us to
build on the successes we've achieved with Herculex™ I Insect
Protection for corn and bring a needed alternative for
in-plant insect protection to the cotton market.
"A number of
people within the university system and cotton industry
organizations along with Dow AgroSciences have played key roles
in the development, testing and registration of WideStrike,"
added Siggelko. "It has truly been a team effort on all fronts."
WideStrike is
a new, stacked insect-protection trait researched and developed
for use in the cotton market. The trait expresses two
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins - Cry1F and Cry1Ac - in
cotton plants, providing season-long protection from a broad
spectrum of destructive cotton pests.
received deregulated status for cotton from the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) in July and completed Pre-market
Biotechnology Notice consultations with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration in August.
Results from
more than three years of field trials - including work conducted
under EPA Experimental Use Permits (EUP) in 2003 and 2004 - show
that WideStrike provides a high level of activity against worm
pests such as cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, beet armyworm,
fall armyworm, soybean loopers, cabbage loopers, and pink
bollworm. Trial results were consistent throughout the
Southeast, Mid-South and Texas.
In 2005,
WideStrike™ Insect Protection will be available in three
new elite cotton varieties from PhytoGen Seed Company. Current
plans call for WideStrike to be available alone and also stacked
with the Roundup Ready® technology in PhytoGen™ varieties
adapted for use throughout the Cotton Belt. Field trials have
shown that these new varieties demonstrate high yield potential
and excellent fiber packages.
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a
global leader in providing pest management, agricultural seed
and biotechnology products that improve the quality and quantity
of the earth's food supply and contribute to the health and
quality of life of the world's growing population.
Dow AgroSciences has approximately 5700 people in more than 50
countries dedicated to its business, and has worldwide sales of
US $3 billion. Dow AgroSciences is a wholly owned subsidiary of
The Dow Chemical Company.
™WideStrike and Herculex I are
trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC
™PhytoGen is a trademark of PhytoGen Seed Company, LLC
®Roundup Ready is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company
Herculex I Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred.
Washington, DC
October 7, 2004
Environment Protection Agency conditionally registers new Bt
cotton product
Contact: Enesta P. Jones
202-564-7873 /
EPA has
conditionally approved a new Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
plant-incorporated protectant in cotton (Wide strike®) for use
until Sept. 30, 2009. Wide strike® cotton is expected to have
environmental and public health benefits by reducing the use of
conventional chemical insecticides that may be applied to cotton
several times per season. Wide strike® also has the potential to
extend the useful life of existing plant-incorporated
protectants and provide additional benefits for insect
resistance management. EPA granted this conditional registration
and approved a tolerance exemption after reviewing the results
of experimental trials, analyzing numerous scientific studies
looking at both human health and environmental impacts,
consulting with the Scientific Advisory Panel and reviewing
public comments. Following this thorough registration review
process, EPA determined that granting a conditional registration
for this use would not pose unreasonable risks to human health,
nontarget organisms, or the environment. WideStrike® cotton
contains a Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac protein and a Cry1F
protein, both previously approved by the Agency. These proteins
are intended to control tobacco budworm, pink bollworm, cotton
bollworm, cabbage looper, saltmarsh caterpillar, cotton leaf
perforator, soybean looper, beet armyworm, fall armyworm,
yellowstriped armyworm and European corn borer. WideStrike®
cotton is a Dow AgroSciences product.
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