Gedera, Israel
September 23, 2004
Source: Hadas Manor, Globes online
Zeraim Gedera
will sell $2 million worth of seedless watermelon seeds to the
US. They will be marketed under the company's "Super Crisp"
Zeraim Gedera has contracts to market seeds of
watermelon varieties developed at its R&D center. The
watermelons are from varieties sold in Israel under the "Lev
Ha'argaman" brand. The varieties have better texture, color and
taste than ordinary watermelons.
Zeraim Gedera currently controls 12% of the US
watermelon seeds market, and it plans to increase its share of
the market to a third within three years.
The Israeli watermelon seeds will be sown across
15,000 acres in Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona and California.