Deliberate release into the
environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the
Sugar beet tolerant to glyphosate,
Sweden, 2005-2009 - Syngenta Seeds AB |
Date of publication: November 25, 2004
General information
Notification Number: B/SE/04/7951
Member State: Sweden
Date of Acknowledgement:17/11/2004
Title of the Project:
Sugar beet tolerant to glyphosate, Sweden, 2005-2009
Proposed period of release From:01/01/2005
Name of the Institute(s) or Company(ies): Syngenta
Seeds AB;
3. Is the same GMPt release planned elsewhere in the
Yes: Germany; France; Netherlands; Sweden
Planned outside the EU: 2005 in USA and Chile. Planned
release for 2006 in FR, DE, NL and SE
4 - Has the same GMPt been notified elsewhere by the same
If yes, notification number(s):
Notified outside the Community
USA (04-170-03N), Chile (permit No 767)
modified plant
1. Complete name of the
recipient or parental plant(s)
Common Name
Family Name
Genus |
Cultivar/breeding line
beet |
chenopodiaceae |
vulgaris |
vulgaris var. saccharifera |
R01/H/-1 |
2. Description of the traits and characteristics which have
been introduced or modified, including marker genes and previous
The trait that is introduced provides tolerance to the
herbicide glyphosate.
3. Type of genetic
4. In case of insertion of genetic material, give the source
and intended function of each constituent fragment of the region
to be inserted:
Right Border: A 25 bp nucleotide sequence that acts as the
initial point of DNA transfer into plant cells originally
isolated from A. tumefaciens pTiT37 (Depicker et al., 1982)
P-FMV: The 35 S promoter from a modified figwort mosaic virus
(FMV) used to drive expression of cp4 epsps gene (Shepherd et
al., 1987; Richins et al., 1987; Gowda et al., 1989; Sanger et
al., 1990)
ctp2: The N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide sequence from
the Arabidopsis thaliana epsps gene (Timko et al., 1988)
cp4 syn.: The 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (cp4
epsps) synthetic gene based on the sequence from Agrobacterium
sp. strain CP4 (Padgette et al., 1993)
E9 3’: The 3’ end of the Pisum sativum rbcS E9 gene which
provides the polyadenylation sites for the cp4 epsps gene
(Coruzzi et al., 1984; Morelli et al., 1985)
Left Border: A 25 bp nucleotide sequence that delimits the T-DNA
transfer into plant cells. It was originally isolated from A.
tumefaciens pTiA6 (Barker et al., 1983)
6. Brief description of the method used for the genetic
A disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens plant transformation
system was used to produce event H7-1. This delivery system is
well documented to transfer and stably integrate transferred DNA
(T-DNA) into a plant nuclear chromosome (White, 1989; Howard et
al., 1990). The transformation was conducted using a diploid
fertile sugar beet proprietary line.
7. If the recipient or parental plant is a forest tree
species, describe ways and extent of dissemination and specific
factors affecting dissemination:
Not applicable
1. Purpose of the release:
The purpose of the release is to evaluate the level of weed
control and agronomical performance in different breeding
2. Geographical location of the site:
The release will take place in Landskrona, Kristianstad,
Helsingborg or Uppsala.
3. Size of the site (m2):
The sites of releases will be not more than 30 000m2. This
area includes the GM plants, the non-GM control plants, and the
surrounding area that is not cultivated.
4. Relevant data regarding previous releases carried out with
the same GM-plant, if any, specifically related to the potential
environmental and human health impacts from the release:
The same event have been grown in deliberate releases in EU
since 1995. No negative impact on the environment or human an
animal health were recorded during these releases.
Impact and Risk Management
Summary of the potential
environmental impact from the release of the GMPts:
The glyphosate tolerance trait would confer a selective
advantage to the beet plant if the GM sugar beet would 1) escape
outside the release site and this area would be sprayed with
glyphosate, or 2) would survive in the soil after the monitoring
period and the field would be sprayed with glyphosate.
Management measures (see Section E) are taken to reduce the
potential release in the environment. Therefore, even though the
glyphosate trait could confer a selective advantage to the sugar
beet, the risk for the GM sugar beet to escape outside the
release site or persist in the field is considered negligible.
No significant environmental benefits are expected from these
field trials.
Brief description of any measures taken for the management of
A number of measures will be taken to minimise any potential
risk with this field release:
- a tight control will be enforced during drilling and harvest,
to ensure that no plant escapes outside the release site,
- the drilling machine will go through a careful cleaning
procedure after the drilling is finished,
- drilling will be performed by dedicated personnel that has
gone through a special training for the handling of GM material,
- the GM sugar beet will not be allowed to bolt and shed pollen.
Any bolting plants will be removed before pollen is released.
- selected roots will be transported to Syngenta site for sugar
and quality analyses.
- all transport will be performed by dedicated personnel that
has gone through a special training for the handling of GM
- Transport of seeds and roots will take place in closed
containers or boxes.
- at the end of the trial, the plants will be ploughed into the
soil. This will destroy the plants and minimise the potential
for regeneration of a sugar beet plant in the following spring,
- monitoring will be done during one year after the trial. A
monocot crop will be grown on the release site during this year.
The monocot crop will be sprayed with a herbicide that controls
dicots (including sugar beet). Thus, any sugar beet that were
not destroyed by the ploughing, and survived the below-zero
temperatures of the winter, will be controlled by the herbicide
used in the monocot crop. The site will be visited minimum 2
times during this year to check for and eliminate if necessary,
any surviving sugar beet.
Summary of foreseen field trial studies focused to gain new
data on environmental and human health impact from the release:
The purpose of this release is to evaluate weed control
efficacy and agronomical performance in different plant breeding
material, not to gain new data on the environmental and human
health impact of the release. |