November 17, 2004
The debate over genetically
modified food crops in Australia is about to move to a new arena
-- rice.
The nation's top public research
body, CSIRO, has applied for a
licence to conduct trials of GM rice over the next few years
The move is not seen as a precursor to commercial release of a
GM rice plant, but is part of CSIRO's participation in an
international research program.
"The aim is to learn as much as we can about the genes in rice,"
a CSIRO spokeswoman told The Weekly Times.
The Gene Technology Regulator will make a decision, based on any
risks to human health or the environment, by February.
CSIRO's plan involves a field trial of about 1500 GM rice plants
over three growing seasons on a small site near Wagga Wagga.
The GM rice varieties will have been modified for herbicide
tolerance, antibiotic resistance and various other protein
CSIRO will assess altered growth patterns, flowering time and
other agronomic and biological features, as well as gene flow
and the extent of pollen traps.
The GM plants will be grown on a 0.04ha site, with a second site
of 0.1ha used to grow non-GM rice, as part of
cross-contamination assessment.
A risk management plan for CSIRO's proposal -- first lodged in
July this year -- has been issued by the GTR for public comment,
with submissions due by December 20. The plan requires the trial
site to be located within a locked, double-fenced area, covered
entirely by bird-proof netting and surrounded by a 150m
isolation zone. It will be 85km from the nearest commercial
rice-growing areas, with safeguards to minimise drainage into
the watertable.
No rice plants or by-products can be used for human or animal
food, and seed not required for further research will be
destroyed, as will volunteer plants. |