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Seedway acquires the commercial vegetable seed business of Agrisales
Elisabethtown, Pennsylvania
November 11, 2004

Seedway, Inc. has announced the acquisition of the commercial vegetable seed business of Agrisales, Plant City, Florida.  Serving vegetable growers in the southeastern US for more than 20 years, Agrisales has focused on providing outstanding service and varieties with exceptional performance potential. 

Seedway will maintain the successful and popular Agriset brand varieties, including fresh market tomatoes, cucumbers, Jalapeno peppers and zucchini.  Key Agrisales employees will remain with the company, providing uninterrupted sales and service to customers, and the Plant City, FL facility will remain in operation, serving local growers in that area.

In addition to maintaining and enhancing the existing Agrisales product line, Seedway plans to integrate Agriset brand varieties into other Seedway market areas, further expanding an industry-leading vegetable seed offering.

Seedway markets one of the most comprehensive vegetable seed product lines in the industry, with a seed and service team comprised of 17 in-the-field professionals covering the eastern half of the United States and Ontario, Canada.  The sales team includes 7 in the southeast U.S. and a state-of-the-art climate controlled warehouse at Seedway’s Lakeland, Florida location.

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