May, 2004
Wheat is grown in about 70
countries, in environments that extend from the Arctic Circle to
near the Equator, from sea level to elevations of 4,000 meters,
and under very dry and very wet conditions. Wheat researchers
may not know that their local growing environment shares key
limitations with environments in other parts of the world. They
may not know that another scientist, half a world away, is
trying to solve the same problem.
A wide-ranging project between
CIMMYT and Australian organizations is helping wheat researchers
obtain and share information to develop better varieties more
efficiently. The project’s tools for analyzing and sharing
information will enable many more researchers to work together
on common problems.
CIMMYT is working with the
University of Queensland
(UQ) and
Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIRO) to characterize growing environments and understand how
different wheat lines grow there. (Wheat lines can be thought of
as experimental, unfinished varieties.) Researchers are creating
information tools—including mapping systems, wheat breeding
simulation programs, and environmental simulations—that wheat
researchers can use to develop more appropriate wheat varieties
and production practices for a set of target environments. The
project is supported by Australia’s
Grains Research and Development Corporation
One reason that CIMMYT and the
Australian organizations can benefit considerably from each
other’s research tools and partnerships is that Australian wheat
growing environments resemble some important wheat-producing
environments in developing countries.
Testing the Ground
Part of the information that
powers the project comes from the International Adaptation Trial
(IAT), which consists of seed of 80 spring wheat lines of bread
wheat and durum wheat. Cooperators who receive the trial plant
the seed according to specific instructions, collect data from
planting to harvest, and return the data to CIMMYT. CIMMYT
Wolfgang Pfeiffer,
Richard Trethowan,
Maarten van Ginkel,
Payne identified
cooperator sites, emphasizing sites with low rainfall and
susceptibility to drought. They worked with Australian breeders
to choose the CIMMYT and Australian lines that were included in
the trial.
The IAT contains broadly and
specifically adapted lines. Information on the performance of
broadly adapted lines indicates their stability across a range
of environments and in the presence of various environmental
stresses, including diseases, pests, and soil problems.
Individual environmental stresses are identified through
specifically bred lines called probe genotypes, which have
comparative responses that reflect the presence or absence of a
specific trait.
In the IAT, most of the
comparative pairs have highly similar genetic backgrounds,
except for the trait of interest. For example, the Australian
lines Gatcher and Gatcher GS50A help detect root lesion
nematode. Gatcher is vulnerable to the nematode, but Gatcher
GS50A is not. In the presence of the nematode, Gatcher GS50A
yields better than Gatcher—more than half a ton better. In the
absence of the nematode, both lines yield about the same.
Simulating the Growing
The project also uses extensive
sets of weather, climate, and geographical data. Along with the
information from the IAT, these data are used to model how wheat
lines with particular characteristics are likely to perform in
key locations around the world. Running a crop simulation module
that works in all types of environments is difficult, says UQ
postdoctoral fellow, Ky Mathews. Researchers need good data that
cover long periods. Mathews has been using daily weather data,
supplied by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, from 1973 to the present for 20,000 locations.
These data are supplemented with information from cooperators.
She is also using an FAO soil map to identify the most likely
soil types in different regions.
From the modeling and IAT
results, researchers around the world gain a more detailed
understanding of target environments. They can investigate
stresses at a location based on the IAT probe lines, find data
on other wheat-producing locations that have similar stress
responses, and evaluate weather patterns and soil information
that might indicate a line’s vulnerability or exceptional
resistance to a stress. This information will help breeders to
make more informed choices about the lines they request from
each other, the crosses they make, the genes and traits they
use, and ultimately which lines they release as varieties to
It will also help them to solve
shared problems. Preliminary results indicate that root lesion
nematode is found at IAT sites in Ecuador, Bangladesh, India,
and Mexico. Breeders can see from project maps that they
experience the same challenges. "Before, we could never map the
nematode sites around the world," says Mathews. "That had never
been done."
Many Products
The project has several
outputs, such as a global prediction model for flowering that
defines global planting dates, a database of weather and soil
data, a tool that extracts phenotypic data over the Internet
from CIMMYT’s large database, and data summary tools. One tool,
called QuCIM, simulates CIMMYT’s bread wheat breeding program (see
“The IAT also provides an
‘adaptation filter’ that increases the usefulness of data that
CIMMYT and its partners have collected for decades in wheat
breeding environments all over the world,” says CSIRO crop
adaptation scientist Scott Chapman. For example, the breeders
who discover a Boron problem can use CIMMYT’s historical data to
identify locations where CIMMYT lines have performed well
despite the presence of Boron and use these lines to develop
tolerant varieties.
Mathews thinks it is important
that cooperators get the project results so they can see the
bigger picture. “I would like the breeders around the world to
be able to have the tools to interrogate locations around the
world to make better decisions about their breeding programs,”
she says.
Despite the challenges, CIMMYT
wheat researchers believe that the project has demonstrated
tremendous potential for adding value to local and global wheat
breeding research. CIMMYT is seeking funds to extend this work
to more of the world’s important wheat-producing environments.
QuCIM: Improving the
local relevance of CIMMYT’s global wheat breeding program
CIMMYT’s wheat
breeding program has more than five decades of accumulated
breeding data and has been highly successful. That makes it an
excellent testing ground for QuCIM, a tool that simulates wheat
breeding processes and outcomes.
QuCIM is a module
of QU-GENE, a simulation platform developed at the University of
Queensland by Mark Cooper and Dean Podlich.
integrate enormous amounts of genetics-based data from widely
different sources, produce realistic scenarios that help
breeders compare potential outcomes without expensive field
trials, and determine the best way to achieve the results they
want. Only the approaches that are most likely to succeed will
be used in the field.
Together with UQ
programmers, CIMMYT Associate Scientist Jiankang Wang wrote the
QuCIM module and worked with CIMMYT researchers to parameterize
it for CIMMYT’s breeding program.
Starting with the
genetic characteristics of wheat breeding lines, QU-GENE can
simulate the performance of their descendents in a given field
environment over many breeding cycles. The resulting information
should help breeders devise the crosses that will deliver
desirable traits, even traits determined by the interaction of
many genes. QU-GENE can also reduce breeding costs by reducing
the number of crosses breeders make to reach a particular goal,
identifying the best breeding method to use, or determining the
most cost-effective, efficient time to use it.
A copy of QuCIM
1.1 can be obtained by contacting either
Jiankang Wang
Maarten van Ginkel. |