Langley, British Columbia
May 19, 2004
Bevo Agro Inc.
(BVO:TSX-Ven.) reports net profits of $45,104 for the three
months ending March 31, 2004 compared to a net profit of
$380,089 in the third quarter last year.
For the nine months ending March 31, 2004, net earnings totaled
$521,962 ($0.02 per share), compared to $1,451,680 ($0.07 per
share) for the nine months ending March 31, 2003.
Sales (shipments to customers) were $3,636,539 for the third
quarter compared to $5,478,946 for the same quarter a year
earlier. For the nine months, sales totaled $11,798,324 vs.
$14,299,193 last year.
Bevo Agro's results reflect timing of customer orders and the
historical pattern of flat sales and profits during an
expansion. Year to date results have been affected by expansion
costs related to a 50% increase in propagation area.
With the recent 11 acre expansion, Bevo's plant totals 34 acres
and provides a solid platform to meet customer demands. The
expansion was completed in early 2004 and has allowed the
Company to grow record numbers of flower and bedding plants.
Approximately $5.0M has been shipped to clients during the first
six weeks of the fourth quarter.
Bevo's ability to meet customer orders is enhanced by the
expansion and management is focused on increasing
competitiveness in the marketplace.
Financial Summary
For the 3 mths ending 3 mths ending
Mar. 31/04 Mar. 31/03
Sales $3,636,539 100% $5,478,946 100%
Cost of Sales $2,342,464 64% $3,762,381 69%
------------- ----- ------------- -----
Gross Margin $1,294,075 36% $1,716,565 31%
Operating & administrative $310,279 $346,432
Admin fees, wages & benefits $232,579 $194,133
Amortization $417,445 $342,776
Interest expenses $259,571 $270,209
------------- -------------
$1,219,874 34% $1,153,550 21%
Earnings from operations $74,201 2% $563,015 10%
Other -$39,126
Earnings before taxes $74,201 2% $523,889 10%
Income taxes-current -$65,952 $163,262
Income taxes-future $95,049 -$19,462
------------- -------------
Net earnings for period $45,104 1% $380,089 7%
EBITDA $751,217 $1,136,874
CASH FLOW $557,598 $703,403
Earnings Share $0.00 $0.02
EBITDA/Share $0.03 $0.05
Cash Flow/Share $0.02 $0.03
Financial Summary
For the 9 mths ending 9 mths ending
Mar. 31/04 Mar. 31/03
Sales $11,798,324 100% $14,299,193 100%
Cost of Sales $7,374,235 63% $8,609,620 60%
-------------- ----- ------------- -----
Gross Margin $4,424,089 37% $5,689,573 40%
Operating & administrative $1,076,264 $930,830
Admin fees, wages & benefits $625,903 $570,445
Amortization $1,134,936 $957,296
Interest expenses $747,522 $801,274
-------------- -------------
$3,584,625 30% $3,259,845 23%
Earnings from operations $839,464 7% $2,429,728 17%
Other $7,420 -$39,126
Earnings before taxes $846,884 7% $2,390,602 17%
Income taxes-current $127,220 $784,619
Income taxes-future $197,702 $154,303
-------------- -------------
Net earnings for period $521,962 4% $1,451,680 10%
EBITDA $2,729,342 $4,149,172
CASH FLOW $1,854,600 $2,563,279
Earnings Share $0.02 $0.07
EBITDA/Share $0.12 $0.19
Cash Flow/Share $0.08 $0.12
Bevo Agro is
North America's leading supplier of propagated agricultural
plants, growing and distributing vegetable, flower, berry and
other plant seedlings to North America's growers. Bevo
propagates quality seedlings and plants primarily for wholesale
vegetable greenhouse growers, field growers and nursery
operators from its 34 acre production facility. |