Queensland, Australia
May 10, 2004
New soybean varieties with
improved seedpod weathering resistance and culinary grade
quality could see more production coming from sugar cane growers
along Queensland's coast.
Queensland Department of
Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F) soybean technical
officer Kerry Brett told cane growers at a recent Sunshine Coast
field day new varieties would have better adaptation to the
inclement weather that could impact on bean quality under
coastal conditions.
Mr Brett said the
Grains Research and Development
Corporation (GRDC) was supporting collaborative work by
departmental researchers from Queensland, NSW and Victoria and
the CSIRO to test new soybean varieties at numerous sites in the
eastern states.
Soybeans had been a very
beneficial rotation crop for northern NSW cane growers for over
30 years, improving soil nitrogen levels and reducing fertiliser
requirements for following cane crops. |