May 3, 2004
Integrated Crop Management,
Iowa State University
A series of
scientific papers on the soybean aphid were recently published
on website of the Entomological
Society of America as free PDF documents.
You must
enter your name and a password before you access the
publications. At the site, click on Annals of the
Entomological Society of America, and then the "bullet"
Online Edition (1999-Current). Then click on Current issue under
the Annals journal title. Below are the titles and edited
summaries for each paper.
Aphid Biology in North America
aphid uses native and exotic primary hosts found in North
America, specifically buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica and
Rhamnus alnifolia). The principal secondary host is
soybean but there seems to be a lengthy gap in early spring
between the production of alatae (winged aphids) on buckthorn
and the occurrence of soybean. In the fall, when soybean is
senescing, a biological bottleneck is created as the aphid must
develop sexual morphs on soybean that emigrate back to the
primary host to complete the sexual phase of its life cycle.
During the summer, winged aphids develop during any generation
on soybean, which places much of the soybean crop at risk of
pest invasion even if the insect does not overwinter locally.
Soybean Aphid in China: A Historical Review
there is a wealth of literature on soybean aphid, much of it is
written in Chinese. Chinese-language literature is reviewed on
the biology, ecology, natural enemies, and control of the
soybean aphid in China.
the Invasion by Soybean Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae): Where Will
It End?
The authors
examined possible pathways for the arrival of the insect,
considered the likelihood for establishment in different regions
of the United States, and described patterns of spread in the
U.S. Historical records of aphid interceptions by the USDA
(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) suggest that the
soybean aphid most likely arrived in the U.S. from Japan or
China, either carried by an international airline passenger or
associated with horticultural cargo. Two methods of climate
comparison suggest that the aphid may ultimately be present in
all soybean producing areas of the U.S.
A Guide to
Separating Aphis glycines and Morphologically Similar
Species That Share Its Hosts.
The soybean
aphid, Aphis glycines, shares its hosts with two other
aphid species, Aphis nasturtii and Aphis gossypii.
Tables of characters and photographs are provided to assist in
the separation of these three species. A photographic plate
showing male and several female stages is included.
Dynamics of Aphis glycines and Its Natural Enemies in
Soybean in Northern China
During 2002
in northern China, aphids colonized soybean when plants were
still small in early July. After a lag of 2 weeks, aphid density
increased rapidly in late July, reaching a peak of 114±46 aphids
per five soybean plants on August 1. The population declined to
a plateau immediately after this peak and then declined again
starting in mid-August, although a second small peak occurred in
late August. The finite rate of increase varied from zero- to
five-fold, and the aphid seemed to be limited by natural enemies
such as a parasitic wasp and lady beetles.
Aphid Predators and Their Use in Integrated Pest Management
research discusses the roles of predatory arthropods in field
crops and sets forth a conceptual model to identify key
predators. We identify Orius insidiosus (insidious flower
bug) and Harmonia axyridis (multicolored Asian lady
beetle) as potentially key predators, and show our findings on
their phenology in soybean fields and their impact on soybean
aphid population dynamics. There is information on how this can
be used in integrated pest management programs for soybean
aphid, and points to gaps in knowledge where future studies are
for Importation Biological Control of the Soybean Aphid:
Anticipating Potential Costs and Benefits
potential pros and cons of using imported biological control
organisms against the soybean aphid are discussed. Importation
of exotic organisms for biological control is never completely
risk-free, but the potential negative impacts of not achieving
biological control of invasive pests may exceed the risks
associated with a biological control introduction. The potential
benefits of biological control include reduced insecticide use
and a reduced ability of the invasive pest to impact native
flora and fauna. The authors outline the possible scope of these
benefits may be for the soybean aphid. They also outline the
potential risks to nontarget organisms that would be associated
with imported
biological control organisms of the soybean aphid.
Annals of
the Entomological Society of America
Volume 97 Number 2 March 2004