Brussels, Belgium
May 3, 2004
Jeremy Smith
Reuters via
Agnet May 3/04
- II
Officials were cited as saying on Monday that EU governments,
long split over the bloc's biotech policy, will soon discuss
draft purity rules for genetically modified seeds, the last
piece of a complex legal jigsaw.
The story says that the draft lists six crop types -- rapeseed,
maize, sugar and fodder beet, potatoes and cotton -- with
thresholds for permitted GMO (genetically modified organisms)
content ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 percent.
Conventional seeds that contain genetically modified material
below these thresholds would not have to be labelled.
The European Commission, reconciling its own internal divisions
on the thresholds, is expected to submit its proposal to
scientific experts from the EU's member states in June.
But the proposal, which aims to update EU seed laws dating from
December 1998, promises to be given a rocky ride and a final
decision is unlikely for several months after that. |