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Outcomes from the 2003 evaluation of the National Biotechnology Strategy and Biotechnology Australia - achievements and ongoing needs for the sector
March 23, 2004

In 2003, the Australian Government requested an independent evaluation of the National Biotechnology Strategy (NBS) and Biotechnology Australia (BA) be undertaken. This is the final evaluation of the Government’s three year program for the NBS (launched in July 2000) and builds upon the work done by Biotechnology Australia and the Australian Biotechnology Advisory Council in 2002 in its mid-term review.

The evaluation was undertaken by an independent steering committee and the report draws on wide stakeholder consultations, public submissions and an independent economic analysis of the sector's performance and international position.

The steering committee's report identified the achievements under the NBS and the ongoing needs of the sector. A summary of the report has been prepared to provide stakeholders with information about the outcomes of the evaluation.

The evaluation report is available through the What's New section of the Biotechnology Australia web site:

Outcomes from the 2003 evaluation of the National Biotechnology Strategy and Biotechnology Australia - achievements and ongoing needs for the sector
PDF file (1433 KB) 


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