Raleigh, North Carolina
March 17, 2004
In June 2001, North Carolina
State University plant pathologist Jean Beagle Ristaino
shocked the scientific world when she published a paper in
the journal Nature that called into question the
then-prevailing theories about the strain of pathogen – and
its place of origin – that caused the Irish potato famine in
the 1840s.
Using DNA fingerprinting analysis of 150-year-old leaves –
evidence that had not previously been studied – Ristaino
ruled out the longtime prime suspect behind the famine: the
Ib haplotype, or strain, of the late-blight pathogen
Phytophthora infestans, which was presumed to have
originated in Mexico.
Now, in a new study, Ristaino and postdoctoral student Kim
May point the finger at the Ia strain of P. infestans,
and trace its probable roots to the Andes Mountains in South
The study will be published in the April 2004 edition of
Mycological Research.
The researchers used DNA sequences from mitochondrial DNA to
examine 186 specimens from six different regions of the
world dating from as early as 1845 to as late as 1982. The
specimens included ones from late-blight epidemics in
Ireland, the United States and continental Europe, and came
from collections housed in England, Ireland and the United
About 90 percent of the specimens were confirmed to be
infected with P. infestans, the paper reports. About
86 percent of the specimens – including those involved in
major epidemics in Ireland and other locations around the
globe – were infected with the Ia haplotype of P.
infestans. The Ib haplotype – the one previously
presumed to be the culprit behind the Irish potato famine
and other epidemics before Ristaino’s groundbreaking 2001
study – was present only in more modern samples from Central
and South America. |
Specimen of potato infected with Phytophthora infestans
collected by John Lindley in 1846 at the Royal Botanic
Garden, Dublin, Ireland. |
Moreover, the researchers found two strains – Ia and IIb – in
potato specimens studied from 1950s Nicaragua. This finding
further debunks the single-strain theory that prevailed before
Ristaino’s 2001 Nature paper.
Ristaino’s lab is currently investigating the center of origin
of P. infestans. She hypothesizes that the pathogen
originated in South America and perhaps made its way to Europe
and the United States via exports of potato seed on steamships.
The data to support this hypothesis will be published by one of
Ristaino’s graduate students, Luis Gomez, in the next year.
There are four haplotypes of P. infestans – Ia, Ib, IIa
and IIb – which is a fungus-like pathogen that causes severe
lesions on leaves of potato and tomato plants.
The late-blight pathogen led to the Irish potato famine, which
killed or displaced millions of Irish people, and other
epidemics across the world. Late blight continues to wreak havoc
as a major potato and tomato killer, which makes Ristaino’s
research all the more important.
“If we can understand the strains of P. infestans that
are out there now and see how the pathogen has evolved over time
– including how it mutates in response to fungicides or host
resistance – we’ll better be able to manage the disease,”
Ristaino said.
The research is funded by the National Geographic Society, the
USDA National Research Initiatives Cooperative Grants Program,
the North Carolina State Agricultural Research Service and NC
State’s International Programs Office.
Identity of the Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype(s) of
Phytophthora infestans in Historical Specimens from the
Irish Potato Famine
Authors: K.J. May and Jean Beagle Ristaino, North
Carolina State University
Published: April 2004, in
Mycological Research
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of the plant pathogen
Phytophthora infestans present in dried potato and tomato
leaves from herbarium specimens collected during the Irish
potato famine and later in the 19th and early 20th century were
identified. A 100bp fragment of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) specific
for P. infestans was amplified from 90 percent of the
specimens (n=186), confirming infection by P. infestans.
Mitochondrial DNA primers were designed that distinguish the
extant haplotypes. Eighty-six percent of the herbarium specimens
from historic epidemics were infected with the Ia mtDNA
haplotype. Two mid 20th century potato leaves from Ecuador
(1967) and Bolivia (1944) were infected with the Ib mtDNA
haplotype of the pathogen. Both the Ia and IIb haplotypes were
found in specimens collected in Nicaragua in the 1950s. The data
suggest that the Ia haplotype of P. infestans was
responsible for the historic epidemics during the 19th century
in the UK, Europe, and the U.S. The Ib mtDNA haplotype of the
pathogen was dispersed later in the early 20th century from
Bolivia and Ecuador. Multiple haplotypes were present outside
Mexico in the 1950s indicating that pathogen diversity was
greater than previously believed. |