March 9, 2004
PG Economics Ltd. notes inaccuracies and the use of
unrepresentative material contained within this report. It is
evident to us that in drawing conclusions for the report the
Select Committee has taken evidence presented by some Green
pressure groups ‘at face value’, without researching and
checking the accuracy or otherwise of such evidence. In
particular the section ‘The north American experience’
(paragraphs 27-31) contains the following inaccuracies and/or
mis-representation of the ‘real’ experience in north America:
1. Experience
of growing GM crops in north America has NOT been
‘pre-dominantly negative’. Whilst
some organisations and individuals portrayed a negative image to
the Committee in the provision of evidence, this picture is
totally unrepresentative of the actual experience. A simple
question to ask in relation to this is, if the experiences were
as negative as portrayed then why, in 2003, was 81% of the US
soybean crop, 40% of the US maize crop, 84% of the US canola
crop, 48% of the Canadian soybean crop, 58% of the Canadian
maize crop and 68% of the Canadian canola crop planted to GM
varieties? In total this amounts to 41.7 million hectares, an
area that is nine times greater than the total UK arable crop
area. The simple answer is that the majority of farmers (the
‘stewards of the land’) have positive experiences (eg, low
tillage cultivation, reduced use of toxic pesticides, higher and
more secure yields) – for a review of literature on this subject
read ‘Consultancy
support for the analysis of the impact of GM crops on UK farm
profitability’ (appendix 5), a report PG
Economics completed for the Cabinet Office in 2003, that has
been available on the Cabinet Office web-site since July 2003;
2. Evidence
from the Canadian Farmers Union.
Evidence from this organisation should be put into context.
This body represents only 2%-3% of Canadian farmers and is
therefore not representative of canola farming experience in
Canada. For a more rounded and representative perspective read
research undertaken by the
Canadian Canola Council in
2001 – reviewed in the PG Economics report for
Cabinet Office
referred to above. This report identified $300 million worth of
additional production and/or reduced cost of production.
Evidence from bodies like the Soil Association should also be
placed in context – its well publicised report ‘Seeds of Doubt’
(2002) from which most of their evidence will have been based,
was largely drawn from reading press articles and undertaking
interviews with a total of 25 farmers, two-thirds of which were
organic farmers. This is against a background of there being,
for example, over half a million farmers in the US alone growing
soybeans. Such evidence is therefore biased and
3. The
Canadian experience. Some facts to
take into consideration include the following:
Ø All farmers growing GM
(herbicide tolerant) canola crops are provided with advice on
managing volunteers. This covers aspects of an integrated weed
management system, the majority of which is equally applicable
to non GM varieties and other herbicide tolerant (non GM) canola
Ø Some analysts (eg, Van Acker)
suggest that there is a widespread problem of herbicide
resistant volunteers in Canada. However, the Canola Council’s
2001 research amongst both GM and non GM growers of canola did
not find the issue to be problematic for farmers. Furthermore
several research papers exist that demonstrate that volunteer GM
herbicide tolerant oilseed rape is not a significant problem and
can be relatively easily controlled (eg, Downy 2000, Pekrun et
al 1998). Lastly Monsanto even offers a free volunteer removal
service to farmers but reports few calls and requests for the
Ø The reference to ‘a lamentable
picture of the potential effect upon biodiversity and
agriculture in general of the contaminatory effect of GM wheat
cultivation’ (paragraph 27), is inaccurate and out of context.
No GM (herbicide tolerant) wheat is currently planted
commercially anywhere in the world and hence there is no
experience or evidence to support such a statement. The claims
made in this evidence submitted to your Committee are
speculative and based on assumptions about herbicide usage
patterns and behaviour by farmers that may not exist in the
future. Furthermore they bear little, if any relevance to the
UK context largely because the scenario examined in the evidence
presented to your committee is one in which glyphosate tolerant
canola is grown in a rotation with glyphosate tolerant wheat.
Glyphoate tolerant canola or oilseed rape has not and is not
expected to be bought forward for regulatory approval for
planting in the EU (the GM trait currently in the EU regulatory
approval process is glufosinate tolerant oilseed rape). Also,
if glyphosate tolerant wheat were to ever be made commercially
available to European farmers, this is at least ten years in the
future. In sum, we are extremely unlikely to ever see
glyphosate tolerant oilseed rape and wheat being made available
commercially to UK farmers;
Ø Despite claims stating
otherwise, organic canola is still grown in Canada. This area
is extremely small (about 2,000 hectares or 0.04% of total
canola plantings in Canada) but its insignificance as a crop
largely reflects a lack of demand for domestically grown organic
canola, and difficulties in growing the crop within an organic
rotation (eg, is high nutrient requirement relative to other
break crops and the difficulty in controlling weeds). It is
also possible for organic and GM canola to co-exist
satisfactorily provided both GM and non GM growers adopt good
husbandry practices and make sensible use of measures to
minimise co-existence problems arising (eg, organic farmers
using only organic seed (or testing conventional seed used prior
to planting) and/or planting brassica rapa varieties that
flower slightly earlier than the more commonly planted
brassica juncea varieties.
4. Cited
evidence of GM crops leading to increased use of herbicides to
deal with resistance problems (eg, drawing on various papers
from Charles Benbrook). As above,
this evidence is essentially not representative of actual
Ø Whilst some (a very small
number) may have experienced incidences of weeds developing
resistance to herbicides such as glufosinate and glyphosate (the
herbicides used on GM crops in North America), this is an issue
of herbicide resistance per se and not a GM-specific
issue. Farmers have been managing such issues in conventional
agriculture for years – they do not cause significant problems -
again see the PG Economics report for the Cabinet Office for a
review of literature on the subject;
Ø USDA pesticide usage data does
not support Benbrook’s assertions. Benbrook makes adjustments
and amendments to USDA data in order to draw conclusions about
US farmer herbicide usage on GM crops (eg, for 2003) and hence
assert that herbicide usage on GM crops has increased. These
are not supported by USDA data and therefore to imply otherwise
is misleading and inappropriate. He also fails to highlight the
eco-friendly nature of glyphosate compared with alternatives
used before the introduction of GM crops;
Ø There is a reasonable body of
evidence in North America that shows that the use of herbicide
tolerant GM crops has resulted in reductions in total herbicide
usage (eg, Gianessi et al 2002, Fernanez Cornejo et al 2003,
Canola Council 2001) and/or resulted in switches to more
environmentally benign products. Again much of this work was
reviewed by PG Economics in its report to the Cabinet Office in
Web-site link to original Environmental audit Committee Report
Economics Ltd is an agricultural economics consultancy that
specialises in examining the impact of new technology. It
conducts objective analysis and is independent of any interest
groups. PG Economics staff are not employees of or on retainer
contracts for biotechnology companies. We have undertaken work
for both organisations with interests in GM technology and those
with interests in non GM production methods. |