Brussels, Belgium
March 1, 2004
The European Food
Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Scientific Panel on Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMO) has published today an opinion on
genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape GT73. The Panel has
concluded that the herbicide-tolerant GM oilseed rape GT73 is as
safe as conventional oilseed rape. Therefore the placing on the
market - for import, processing and feed use - is unlikely to
have an adverse effect on human or animal health or, in the
context of its proposed use, on the environment.
The opinion of the EFSA Scientific
Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms is based on a question
raised by the European Commission related to the notification
for the placing on the market of the GT73 oilseed rape. The
scientific assessment was initially made by the competent
authority of the Netherlands and subsequently evaluated by all
other Member States. However, questions raised by several Member
States led the Commission to ask EFSA for a further risk
assessment on the GT73 oilseed rape.
The main questions raised by Member States included: possible
allergenic risk associated with GT73, concerns regarding
pesticide residues, clarification of data obtained from rat
feeding studies and the potential need for additional feeding
trials. Some Member States also requested a more detailed
environmental monitoring plan.
Consequently, the GMO Panel was asked to consider whether there
are any scientific reasons to believe that the placing on the
market of GT73 oilseed rape is likely to cause any effect on
human health and/or the environment.
The GT73 oilseed rape has been genetically modified to provide
tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate. The stated purpose of the
modification is to allow farmers to manage weeds more
effectively in oilseed rape fields during cultivation. However,
the present notification concerns import and processing, but not
cultivation of the oilseed rape. If approved it would therefore
make it possible to import, process and use GT73 oilseed rape as
animal feed. This is in addition to the present approved use of
oil derived from GT73 for food purposes.
Following its risk assessment, the GMO Panel concluded that
since there are no indications of significant compositional
differences, additional animal feeding studies are not
necessary. Furthermore, the animal feeding trials reviewed by
the panel showed that GT73 oilseed rape is as safe as the
conventional one.
In carrying out the risk assessment the GMO Panel has considered
all the evidence provided and followed the ‘Guidance document
for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants and
derived food and feed’ |