Brussels, Belgium
June 24, 2004
Busquin, European Commissioner in charge of Research
Biotechnologies in the European Research Area
to the General Assembly of EuropaBio
and gentlemen,
It is an
honour for me to be with you today.
I would
like to take this opportunity to address three issues today that
are of relevance to the biotechnology sector :
progress that has been made in the last year concerning the
action plan regarding the European strategy on life sciences
and biotechnology.
concept of technology platforms and how it can contribute to
strengthen the European Research and innovation area in
outlook on the next framework programme and its relevance for
the European biotechnology industry.
European strategy for life sciences and biotechnology :
second progress report on the European strategy for life
sciences and biotechnology was adopted by the Commission on
the 7th of April 2004. This report will be discussed in more
detail in the Competitiveness Council in their September 2004
As in the
last year, the progress report is accompanied by a Commission
working document, which contains other detailed information as
well as a timetable for the implementation of the action plan.
progress has been made :
The 6th
Framework Programme for Research and Development (6FWP)
strongly encourages research in the life sciences and
biotechnology domain;
revision on pharmaceutical legislation has been adopted at the
beginning of this year;
regulatory framework for genetically modified organisms has
been completed and guidelines on co-existing in farming have
been published;
Member States have chosen different strategies for
implementing policies that strengthen the evolution of
biotechnologies and have opted for different instruments to
support its development. A number of Member States have
strengthened relations between universities and
industry/society ; one example being the French Innovation law
of 2000. Other activities have been taken to improve the
financial situation of young enterprises: : the French
« Jeunes entreprises innovantes «JEI » initiative launched by
France Biotech, and which is effective since last January,
strongly favours investments into research intensive
biotechnology companies just as the research tax credits in
the United Kingdom.
European Investment Bank has recently allocated an additional
€500 million to the European Investment Fund in order to
increase the EIF risk capital mandate. This followed
recommendations of a working group of the Biotech and Finance
Forum, a group that regularly brings together researchers and
representatives of finance and industries.
progress report also underlines delays in numerous areas, as
already signaled in last years report
and private investments in research need to be increased
urgently ;
companies’ access to finance needs to be further improved ;
need to
progress in the implementation of important measures to
which they have committed themselves. One example is the area
of intellectual property. Due to delays in the implementation
of directive 98/44/EC regarding the legal protection of
biotechnological inventions, enterprises working with novel
biotechnologies do not know if they are fully allowed to reap
the commercial benefits of their work. This hampers growth of
the sector by discouraging not only the innovators themselves
but also potential investors from providing the necessary
addition, the lengthy process of adopting a Community Patent
regulation has led numerous enterprises to adopt a strategy of
obtaining patents only in the US and some EU Member States. It
is important for the growth of the biotech industry that these
two problems find a solution.
EuropaBio and its national associations can play an important
role in this respect by convincing their national policy makers
about the importance of a harmonised and affordable patent
system for supporting innovation in their sector.
contribution of the research sector is important:
implementation of the 6th Framework Programme for
Research and Development (FP6) has effectively led to an
increase of the Community support to Life Sciences and
Biotechnology research by some 20% compared with the previous
Framework Programme. Following the first call for proposals,
more than €810 million were allocated to actions in the two
thematic priorities “Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology
for health” and “Food Quality and Safety” mobilising more than
2700 laboratories including about 400 SMEs. As a result of the
first call for proposals, about 10% of the budget
(approximately €80m) will be allocated to SMEs. We are
doing our best to further raise this figure to 15%.
Commission has also taken a more pro-active role concerning
human resources; from promoting and financing various
initiatives to attempting to simply legislation in order to
improve the environment of researchers and make the European
Research Area more attractive for scientists, both for those
inside and outside of the EU.
budget foreseen for the Structuring Activity “Human
resources and mobility” under the 6th Framework
Programme for Research has been almost doubled from the
5th Framework Programme value. As a result of the first calls
for proposals €47 million (13% of the budget) has been
allocated to “Human resources and mobility”/”Marie
Curie” actions in Life Sciences and Biotechnology. There are
also possibilities for industrial fellowship grants, which
should be used much more by industry.
rests to be done to improve the situation of European
biotechnology and its competitiveness. Biotechnology is
characterised by a rapid development (nanobiotechnology ;
industrial biotechnology, etc.) and we have to constantly face
new emerging questions. It is therefore important that the
strategy continues to evolve further.
It is
also important to point out that the biotechnology strategy
involves numerous subjects and actors. The union must ensure
the coherency of their efforts. It therefore has to reinforce
the co-operation between the Member Staes and the Commission.
The Commission has therefore proposed in the 2nd
progress report to reinforce the role of the existing Member
States network on competitiveness in biotechnology.
Technology Platforms:
important aspects to integrate stakeholders and actors in the
different sectors of biotechnology towards a coherent vision and
action plan are the technology platforms. This concept, which
was first demonstrated successfully for the sector of
Aeronautics, is now being adapted to a wider range of
Spring European Council of March 2003 under the heading
“Building the European knowledge base” called “for the European
Research and Innovation Area to be strengthened to the benefit
of all in the enlarged Europe by creating European technology
platforms bringing together technological know how, industry,
regulators and financial institutions to develop a strategic
research agenda for leading technologies, in areas such as plant
genomics or the transition to hydrogen as a fuel”.
Commission and stakeholders are engaged in the establishment of
a number of European technology platforms to stimulate
more efficient and effective RTD and to boost private sector
investment, four of them relevant for the biotechnology sector.
European technology platform on plant genomics and
biotechnology, is the first one, and it is expected to be
fully operational in the second half of 2004. In fact, Feike
Sijbesma and myself had the pleasure to present the vision
paper of this platform just two hours ago to the public. This
platform will bring together key stakeholders from research,
industry, farmers, regulators, consumers and policy markers at
regional, national and EU level. Its key objective is to
formulate a strategic research agenda defining medium
and long term targets, priorities, and building up the
necessary public-private-partnership, including the mechanism
to mobilize private and public investments.
As noted
in the strategy and in the recent “Environmental Technology
Action Plan” of the Commission, there is a strong potential
for the use of biotechnology in industrial processes and new
materials. This so called “white biotechnology” or
industrial biotechnology may well represent a significant
portion of the whole biotechnology industry in the coming
years, and it is a sector where European companies hold a
strong position. Because of its large potential for
transforming the chemical industry, industrial biotechnology
will be one of the major pillars of the “sustainable chemistry
platform”. for which a concept paper will be made public on 6th
of July. A detailed vision paper for European industrial
biotechnology, highlighting the role of this technology not
only for sustainable chemistry, but also other important
sectors such food, textile and paper&pulp, is expected to be
ready by October 2004.
platform concerns nanobiotechnologies. The “European
Nanomedicine Technology Platform” has the goal of
strengthening innovation in nano-biotechnologies for medical
use. A large workshop is planned for October 2004 in Berlin.
“Innovative Medicines for Europe Platform”, involves
EuropaBio, EFPIA, EUFEPS and EMEA. Its objective is to enhance
and accelerate the development process of medicines to ensure
rapid translation of scientific breakthroughs to approved
medicines. This is to be achieved by stimulating integrated
forms of cooperation for R&D, in particular reinforced
public-private partnerships between the private research
sector, innovative biotech companies and pharmaceutical
needs to strengthen its science and biotech industry sector to
become more attractive partners for the European and even global
pharmaceutical industry and investors, in view of increasing the
rate and number of innovative medicine development in Europe and
thereby providing the European population with early access to
new, more targeted medicines.
major objective of technology platforms are to develop a long
term strategic research agenda as a way to secure (or regain)
long-term competitiveness of major European industrial sectors.
Active and committed participation of industries – and
organisations such as EuropaBio- is therefore vital.
strategic research agenda should be implemented through national
and European research programmes, using all kinds of instruments
from basic research to large collaborative research projects and
public-private partnerships with substantial investment from the
private sector, making full use of all financing instruments, be
they structural funds or coming from the European Investment
Bank. An important component in this plan will be the 7th
Framework programme:
Outline of FP7:
In line
with 3% initiative to raise investments in research to 3% of GDP
by 2010, the European Commission has proposed on the 16th of
June to increasing the European Union’s research funding to an
average of €10 billion a year for the duration of the next
framework programme, i.e. twice as much as today.
In its
strategy document entitled “Science and technology, the key to
Europe’s future”, the Commission aims to provide a concrete
response to the objectives of the Lisbon strategy and to support
the European Research Area project.
six major objectives of EU action
to create
European centres of excellence by means of collaboration
between laboratories (similar to integrated projects and
networks of excellence in FP6);
to launch
technological initiatives on an EU scale in promising
industrial sectors by creating joint undertakings (Joint
European Technology Initiatives initiated through Technology
to boost
the creativity of basic research by means of competition
between individual teams at European level (European Research
to make
Europe more attractive to the best researchers by increasing
support for them;
develop research infrastructures of European interest based on
the example of the trans-European networks;
strengthen coordination between national research programmes.
Commission also intends to identify the topics on which European
research should focus. Two new topics have already been
identified: space and security. It is important that the
biotechnology industry will voice its priorities for community
research in order to have an impact on FP7. This can be done
through their associations or through other channels, like the
technology platforms.
implementation of the strategy has started and taken up speed.
However, there is no doubt that there is a lot to be done to
improve the situation for European biotechnology and its
circle of decision-makers who are actively involved in
implementation of the Strategy is continuing to widen, going
beyond the EU Institutions to include Member States’
policy-makers and the private sector. To help ensure coherent
implementation, the Commission proposes a more concerted effort
between the Commission, the Member States and the private sector
to make better progress in areas where responsibilities are less
centralised. Technology platforms can play an important role to
align the interests of stakeholders and to develop a coherent
long term research strategy for Europe.
As the
EU Competitiveness Council of last May has pointed out, life
sciences and biotechnology are important for the development of
a knowledge-based economy and are key enabling technologies for
future industrial development and innovation. Effective
governance, the need for strengthened collaboration between
Member States and the Commission and the continuous dialogue
between the relevant stakeholders are key to exploiting the
potentials of biotechnology. The Competitiveness Council will
analyse the recommendations given in the progress report in
order to set out priorities at its meeting later this year.
you for your continued co-operation and I hope we can maintain
and even strengthen our dialogue in the future in order to
support the important target of creating a European
knowledge-based bio-economy. |