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New British government grants to benefit farming sector
London, United Kingdom
June 25, 2004

Food and Farming Minister Larry Whitty announced two new grants today to fund projects which will help farmers manage risks and work together more efficiently.

The grants were awarded to Farmcare and the Cereals Industry Forum under the Agriculture Development Scheme (ADS). The scheme is designed to help farmers and the food chain to achieve improvements in line with the government's Strategy for Sustainable Farming and Food.

The award to Farmcare will fund a programme of work to raise awareness of techniques for managing risks to business, such as the impacts of fluctuating prices and markets.

The Cereals Industry Forum will use the grant for a project to help the cereals sector work together more efficiently and identify how working practices can be improved.

The latest awards take the total amount in ADS grants since 2000 to more than £13.8 million.


For more information on how to apply for ADS grants and application forms, go to:

For information on approved ADS projects go to:

ADS grants are awarded quarterly. Applications for the September Panel should be submitted by 9 July.

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