Global cereal stocks are forecast to fall in the new
2004/2005 marketing season, a fifth consecutive annual
decline, despite an expected increase in cereal production
for 2004 to 1 956 million tones, a substantial increase from
the previous year, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization
said today in Food Outlook, a publication that forecasts
global crop, food and trade prospects.
"Production prospects are
good, but not up to expected total levels of utilization",
says Henri Josserand, Chief of FAO's Global Information and
Early Warning System. "The downward trend in global cereal
stocks continues, narrowing the buffer available to absorb
large unexpected shocks. In view of already tight stocks,
the possibility of higher and more volatile prices in
2004/05 should not be ruled out."
The report also says that
outbreaks of animal disease in major meat exporting
countries and resulting bans on imports from the affected
areas are reducing exportable supplies and causing
international meat prices to surge.
International prices for
dairy products were well above average during the first-half
of 2004, because of sustained import demand and limited
availability of export supplies. Food Outlook forecasts that
milk prices will be at or near their current high levels for
the remainder of 2004.
Cereal trade declines
Food Outlook's first
forecast for global cereal trade in 2004/05 stands at 229.7
million tonnes, down 3.4 percent from the previous year. The
decline mostly reflects of good crop prospects in
traditional importing countries, as well as a strong
production recovery in Europe. Tighter rice supplies in
major exporting countries also will reduce tradable volumes
in rice.
Global cassava trade, on
the contrary, is forecast to expand in 2004, due to a sharp
increase in production. A tightening of feed grain supplies
in China could also stimulate cassava imports by that
country, further strengthening international prices.
Cereal prices ease,
but prices for oils rise
After rising for several
months, international prices of most cereals eased back in
recent weeks, according to the Food Outlook. This reflects
"generally favourable prospects for 2004 crops." Prices also
eased for rice as China and Thailand released rice stocks
onto tight domestic markets.
International prices in
the oil crops have risen sharply in the past few months,
strongly influenced by tight soybean supplies and by slower
growth in palm oil production.
World pulse production
will hit a record 60 million tonnes in 2004, which Food
Outlooks says could lead to increased consumption and trade
during the year.
FAO's Global Information
and Early Warning Service publishes Food Outlook four times
a year. The next issue will be out in mid-September.
Food Outlook No. 2, June 2004 (html)