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Ag-West Bio Inc. invests in life sciences companies for Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
June 1, 2004

from: The AgBiotech Bulletin Volume 1 Number 1 June 2004

Ag-West Bio Inc. announced an investment of over a half million dollars in 6 local life science companies – Clear-Green Environmental Inc., Pyxis Genomics Canada, Adnavance Technologies, BioNatCom Inc., HeadsUp Plant Protectant, and Bio-ID Diagnostics. 

“This broad range of investments serves to showcase this province’s expanding bio-based economy and Ag-West Bio’s commitment to building a strong and vibrant life science industry in Saskatchewan,” commented Ag-West Bio’s President & CEO, Dr. Ashley O’Sullivan at a news conference held the end of April.

HeadsUpTM Plant Protectant

HeadsUpTM Plant Protectant technology, derived from a combination of plant extracts, has been shown to stimulate natural disease defense mechanisms in plants. Four years of testing has proven HeadsUpTM as a preventative treatment against bacterial spot in tomatoes and bacterial scab and rhizoctonia in potatoes, as well as many other fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases of plants.

“Comparative field trials show HeadsUpTM outperforming its competition not only in effectiveness, but also in its cost advantage, ease of application, and user and environmental friendliness,” said Joe Dutcheshen, founder of the HeadsUpTM technology.

Left: potatoes infected with rizoctonia. Right: potatoesspraeyd with Heads Up

 “The Ag-West Bio funding will be used to achieve registration of this product and help bring it to market.”

The AgBiotech Bulletin Volume 1 Number 1 June 2004

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