Indianapolis, Indiana
July 29, 2004
Mycogen Seeds introduces
four new NuSun™
sunflower hybrids and one new confection hybrid for the 2005
season. With today’s rapidly growing demand for healthier oil
products, this new seed lineup will offer high-quality oils and
excellent yield potential for improved marketability and
“8N251 is an
early season NuSun™
hybrid with very high oil content that shows wide adaptability
across varying planting practices and environments,” says Keith
Porter, Marketing Specialist, Mycogen Seeds.
This uniform, single-cross hybrid is medium in
height and offers high yield potential. 8N251 works very well in
more northerly growing areas, but has the ability to move south
into areas growing medium-maturity hybrids.
Positioned to become the industry standard for
oil yield per acre, 8N352 is a single-cross NuSun™
hybrid. It has the ability to yield with fuller season hybrids
and can work well in more northerly growing areas when timely
planted. “This medium to medium-full maturity hybrid combines
excellent yield potential with the highest oil percentage that
we’ve tested,” Porter adds.
For producers with needs for a shorter sunflower,
8N510 is the solution. This full-season, single-cross NuSun™
hybrid has reduced-height tendencies. It delivers improved yield
over existing products and has average oil content and test
“8N510 is a strong agronomic package that
includes very good stalks and roots and performs best in
full-season environments under normal and early planting
situations,” Porter says. “In addition, Mycogen is offering
8D310, a strong mid-season hybrid that features excellent
hulling properties, as well as being a hybrid with NuSun
For confection sunflower growers, 8C416 delivers
improved seed size, seed color and yield when compared to
Mycogen’s popular 9338 hybrid. It has good late-season plant
health, along with good drydown characteristics. 8C416 is well
suited for “in-shell” type markets and works well as a hulling
Growers can contact their Mycogen Seeds dealer or
sales representative for more information about these new
sunflower hybrids.
Mycogen Seeds is a wholly owned subsidiary of The
Dow Chemical Company and is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences
LLC. Mycogen Seeds is the leader in Silage-Specific™
corn, the largest sunflower seed producer, and a leading
producer of seed corn, alfalfa, soybeans and sorghum.
the Mycogen M logo and Silage-Specific are trademarks of Mycogen
is a trademark of the National Sunflower Association.
©2004 Mycogen Seeds. Mycogen Seeds is an affiliate of Dow
AgroSciences LLC. |