Washington, DC
July 6, 2004
The use of biotechnology in agriculture continues
to ignite debate among farmers, governmental officials and
consumers in the European Union (EU). While many European
growers recognize the potential of biotechnology, alarmist
consumer groups and media have prevented widespread acceptance
of biotech crops, according to
National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) leaders who
recently returned from a fact-finding mission to the EU and
Joined by
members of the U.S. Grains Council, NCGA leaders spent nearly
two weeks in Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Russia gauging
attitudes toward biotechnology. NCGA President Dee Vaughan said
attitudes toward biotechnology have changed since the first
USGC-NCGA joint mission four years ago.
“We’ve seen
some incremental progress, especially with the governments, but
there is still much work to be done,” Vaughan said. “These
governments argued before that biotech acceptance was a food
safety issue, but now most of them appear to understand that
isn’t the case. Now they’re arguing that biotech crops can’t
co-exist with organic crops, so now we’re addressing that
countries like Russia and Poland seemed more open to
biotechnology, other nations like Austria appeared as
unreceptive as ever, according to Vaughan. “From what we
gathered, Austria has no desire to use biotech at all,” he said.
“Most farms in Austria are very small and they’re looking to
simply maintain the status quo.”
The group
was encouraged by its talks with Russian officials, Vaughan
said. “Russia seemed much more receptive to biotechnology,” he
said. “They’re a science-based society and they seemed very
willing to look at this issue with open minds.”
Biotech Working Group Chair Helen Inman said many of the farmers
the group met with seemed to appreciate the promise of
biotechnology. But because of consumer attitudes and regulatory
challenges, many EU growers view the use of biotech products as
a hopeless endeavor.
“There are
some farmers in the countries we visited that probably would be
interested in using biotechnology,” Inman said. “But they’re
worried that there won’t be a market for their crops because of
the widespread misunderstanding and fear of biotech products in
the EU.”
Inman said
the international press, consumer groups and environmental
activists have perpetuated misinformation and inaccuracies
concerning biotechnology. “Fringe groups like Greenpeace have
had quite an influence on public opinion in the EU,” she said.
“Because of these groups and negative media reports, many of
these countries don’t completely trust this technology and they
don’t want to change.”
said one of NCGA’s goals is to dispel popular myths by
continuing an open dialogue with EU governments and farmers. “We
heard all kinds of myths about biotech,” he said. “One of our
objectives was to put out as much good information as we could
and get the facts into the hands of the decision makers. We’re
not pushing biotech for biotech’s sake. We’re advocating biotech
as another tool in the farmer’s toolbox. If it doesn’t make
sense for the farmer to use it, we certainly understand that.
But we do believe the farmer should at least have the choice to
agreed, stating, “Our purpose was not to travel around the EU
and tell everyone ‘you have to use biotech.’ We just want
farmers and consumers in the EU to have the option to use
biotechnology in agriculture and to buy products that contain
biotech.” |