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New appointments at Emergent Genetics Vegetable A/S
July 2, 2004

We are proud to announce that Flemming Holst Pedersen has been appointed as Managing Director of Emergent Genetics Vegetable A/S, Odense as of July 1st, 2004.

Flemming joined Dæhnfeldt on November 1st, 2003 as Sales & Marketing Director. Flemming Holst Pedersen has taken over the position after Christian P. Pedersen who has decided to retire.

Christian has done an outstanding job during his 26 years of dedication and service at L. Dæhnfeldt A/S and has served the company in various research, sales, and management positions throughout his career. In many respects, he built the foundations on which the Company is managed today.

Also we are proud to announce the following changes:

Henrik A. Pedersen is appointed new Sales and Marketing Manager from July 1st, 2004. Henrik comes from a job as Area Sales Manager for Europe. Henrik has been in the company since 1987.

Carsten Heise is appointed as General Manager of Operations and Administration. Carsten has been with the company since April 2003, with responsibilities for Finance and Administration.

Dorrit Andersen is appointed as Production Manager for all seed production activities, from R&D stage to Warehouse. Dorrit has been in the company since 1997 and she has been responsible for seed production in Europe and for our laboratory.

Ole Mohr Madsen is appointed as Manager of R&D after Hans Henrik Kampman. Ole has been with L. Dæhnfeldt A/S since 1995 and he has been in charge of stock seed and breeding in carrot, leek and red beet.

Tim Jensen is appointed as Production Manager for all seed activities from Warehouse to customer. Tim has been in the company since 2001 as LD Seed Processing Manager.

Erling Hegelund is appointed as Senior breeder, and besides his work as spinach breeder, Erling will be in charge of our EGV University, which some of our customers and employees have had the pleasure of joining in with here in 2004. Erling has been in the company since 1986.

We wish to congratulate the members of the new management group on their new appointments and we look forward to a successful future for Emergent Genetics Vegetable A/S.

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