30 January 2004
European Union has announced the support of an ERA-NET aimed at
coordinating the national research programmes in the area of
plant genomics of ten EU member states and Norway (see annex).
In yet another step to create a true European Research Area
(ERA), the four year project, "European Research Area Plant
Genomics (ERA-PG)", will be supported by €2.2 million from the
Sixth Research Framework Programme (FP6, 2002-2006). It focuses
on sharing best practices, developing common programme
management procedures and joint activities, such as the pooling
of resources and joint calls for proposals. Trans-national
co-operation at programme level will help to maximise the return
on the €80 million invested in plant genomics across Europe each
year. At the same time, the research programmes must clearly
address consumer fears and arguments about possible
environmental danger versus the agricultural advantages of plant
genomics, while highlighting their importance as an area of
scientific research.
genomics was pioneered and developed in Europe. It is an area
that holds much potential for addressing important societal
issues, ranging from sustainable agriculture and the clean-up of
polluted sites to food quality and human health. I welcome the
commitment of national plant genomics programmes to pool efforts
in an ERA-NET cooperation scheme. It should help to keep our
world class researchers in Europe," said European Research
Commissioner Philippe Busquin. "The coordination of this
technology area is essential for the continued competitiveness
of European agriculture and industry. Eventually, ERA-PG could
identify new research avenues in which Europe should contribute
to international programmes or attempt to secure worldwide
genomics for better crops
introduction of genetically modified crops in Europe continues
to be a matter of intense debate. While scientists generally
agree on the benefits such crops can bring, consumers tend to be
sceptical. Arguments about environmental risks and worldwide
agricultural benefits abound. But research continues and has to
continue. Policy-makers, meanwhile, have to make informed,
science-based decisions. And plant genomics will not only serve
the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but
bring beneficial applications in a whole series of other
activities, such as accelerating and improving traditional plant
breeding or cleaning up industrially polluted sites.
widespread public debate has highlighted the importance of plant
genomics as a subject for scientific research. Directly or
indirectly, plants produce most of the world's food as well as
offering renewable sources of energy and materials. From
forestry to pharmaceuticals, plants are central to a significant
proportion of European industry. Studying their genomes is
essential to drive innovation, to stimulate commercial
exploitation, and to keep Europe's economy competitive.
ERA-PG co-ordination
invests around €80 million every year in plant genomics research
an amount comparable with the USA. However, this sum is split
between numerous national research programmes. Co-ordination of
these national research programmes for plant genomics would help
Europe to deploy its research budgets more coherently, optimise
its investment in expensive resources, and ensure that its
results are at the cutting edge of today's plant genomics.
brings most of European plant genomics under one flag and gives
it the critical mass needed for research to be a key driver of
innovation in this sector. It integrates national and regional
programmes to develop the common knowledge necessary for
coherent policy development, and a structure that will allow
limited resources to be used as efficiently as possible. This
ERA-NET scheme has a long-term perspective. By progressively
aligning genomics programmes across Europe, it aims to plan
strategically, and ultimately to fund, research at a
trans-national level. This is the only way, the partners
believe, to meet the European demand for plant genomics in
medicine, agriculture and industrial innovation.
Progressive collaboration
built on a strong foundation of existing collaborations. There
are already joint co-operation actions between the national
programmes of France and Germany which, with Spain, have also
launched a tri-national plant genomics programme with joint
funding. So far, organisations from eleven European countries,
including Norway, have joined ERA-PG, including national funding
organisations, ministries and scientific academies. However, the
network is committed to expanding its membership, especially to
other member states and candidate countries that are themselves
launching plant genomics initiatives.
Information exchange
ERA-PG has
already begun a simple exchange of information between the
participants to determine the current state of genomics
research, its management, administration and the research
priorities of each country. From the information collected, the
network is identifying and encouraging best practice among the
participants. This benchmarking exercise will help the partners
to formulate strategic activities. Through short-term exchanges
of programme managers and discussions between programme makers
and managers, ERA-PG will identify the barriers that hinder
greater co-operation and look at initial areas for joint
activities. Another task will be to invest in and develop the
existing legal frameworks in order to ensure durable
collaboration between national and industrial partners.
Europe has
an important role to play in the future production of safe and
healthy food for the world's growing population.
activities please see also IP/03/1707 or
For the
thematic priorities on "food quality and safety" and "life
sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health" in FP6
see also:
European Research Area plant genomics
Netherlands: Netherlands Genomics Initiative
Austria: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Belgium: Ministry of Flanders, Science and Innovation Division
Denmark: Danish Agriculture and Veterinary Research Council
Finland: Academy of Finland
France: Institut de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Deutsche
Forchungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Italy: Ministry of Education, University and Research
Norway: Research Council of Norway
Spain: Ministry of Science and Technology
UK: Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council
Prof Peter Folstar, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
Research, Netherlands Genomics Initiative
PO Box 93035, The Hague, 2509 AA Netherlands
Fax: +31 703 440632
Duration: 4 years
EC funding: €2.20 million
Project reference: CA-510189-ERA |