Brussels, Belgium
28 January 2004
Brussels, 28 January 2004
GMOs: European Commission takes stock of progress
European Commission today held an orientation debate on
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and related issues to take
stock of the progress made over the last years in building a
comprehensive EU regulatory framework on GMOs. It also endorsed
the approach ensuring the correct
application of
the new EU legislation throughout the EU.
"The EU has
put in place a clear, transparent and stringent system to
regulate genetically modified food, feed and plants. Our
legislation ensures that GMOs authorised in the EU are safe for
human consumption and for the release into the environment.
Clear labelling rules allow farmers to choose what to plant and
consumers to choose what to buy. It is only logical that this
safe system continues to be applied in practice and that the EU
moves ahead with pending authorisations," said Commission
President Romano Prodi.
Commission approved the proposal to authorize a GM sweet corn
BT11 for food use which will now be forwarded to the Council for
a decision.
It also
agreed to submit a draft authorization of GM maize NK603 to the
Regulatory Committee, composed of the Member States, for a
decision in February.
the Commission agreed on the need to address at the EU level the
individual safeguard measures on GMOs which have been adopted by
various Member States.
Commission was also in favour of proposing labelling thresholds
for the adventitious presence of GM seeds in non-GM varieties in
the near future.
Commission also discussed national measures on coexistence.
Since coexistence deals only with GMOs that have been authorised
in the EU - and are therefore considered to be safe from the
environmental and human health point of view a blanket ban of
all GMOs that could not be justified in terms of protection of
human health and the environment would not be in conformity with
EU law. However, the Commission noted that GM free zones are
possible, if farmers decide to produce without GMOs on a
voluntary basis. It insisted that national coexistence measures
had to be proportionate, taking into account the characteristics
of the specific crop, rather than imposing general restrictions
on cultivation.
Commission underlined that Member States are legally obliged to
notify all national or regional measures on coexistence to the
Furthermore, the Commission intends to step up its coordination
role and actively support an exchange of best practices and
information regarding coexistence.
information on EU policies and legislation on GMOs can be found
[ Figures
and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED] |
association with Mrs Wallström, Mr Byrne, Mr Fischler, Mr Lamy,
Mr Liikanen and Mr Busquin)
For an
orientation debate on Genetically Modified Organisms and related
In the last
years, the Commission, in close dialogue with Member States and
all stakeholders, have invested considerable time and energy in
building a comprehensive regulatory framework on genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) aimed at restoring the confidence of
consumers and public at large. These efforts are also essential
elements of the Commission's ongoing strategy for life sciences
and biotechnology(1),
aiming at making sure that the EU is able to harvest the
potential of this high-technology area while ensuring its
governance in a balanced and responsible manner. Now that the
necessary legislative decisions have been taken and the
appropriate procedures have been put in place it is important to
demonstrate to the European public and to our trade partners
that the EU system of authorisation is working as designed. A
clear and predictable legal framework is also crucial in order
to reverse the exodus of researchers and the rapid decline in
GMO field research in the EU and the consequent negative
repercussions in innovation and competitiveness of the European
biotechnology industry, while addressing legitimate public
The purpose
of this Communication is
· to
inform the Commission on the progress made since the last
Commission debate on GMOs of 12 July 2000 and on forthcoming
proposals for decisions related to GMOs, including their
potential timing, and
· to
draw the attention of the Commission to the evolution of the
political background on GMOs which needs further consideration.
Progress since
The "interim
approach" on GMOs
The last
Commission orientation debate on GMOs took place on
July 2000.
On that
occasion, the Commission agreed on an 'interim approach'
for relaunching the authorisations of GMOs, entailing the
anticipation of the key provisions (labelling, traceability,
monitoring etc) of the forthcoming new environmental
legislation. The new requirements would be incorporated into the
individual authorisations of GMOs granted under existing
legislation. In addition, it was agreed that a package of new
measures on GMOs, namely on GM food and feed and on
labelling and traceability of GMOs be proposed by the Commission
by autumn 2000. The College took note of the pending national
safeguard measures adopted by 7 Member States (AU,
FR, D, GR, IT,
LUX and UK),
which affect the marketing and import of several GM products
that have been duly authorised at the EU level.
of the 'interim approach' since 2000
The new
regulatory framework for GMOs has been completed. Directive
2001/18/EC, which provides for a more complete
authorisation procedure for GMOs, has been fully applicable
since 17 October 2002(2).
The two proposals on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs), establishing a comprehensive Community system to trace
and label GMOs and to regulate the placing on the market and
labelling of GM food and feed have been adopted by the Council
and EP and will be fully applicable by April 2004(3).
Work on the finalisation on a number of additional
implementing measures is progressing smoothly and no delay
are envisaged at this stage (i.e. adoption of the measures by
the entry into application of Regulations (EC) N° 1829 and 1830)
despite the 'interim approach':
· no
authorisations have been granted since October 1998(4).
· no
formal decision was taken over the past years
in relation to the national safeguard measures on GM
products already authorised at EU level.(5)
At present, work is progressing in finalising a decision aiming
at repealing the national safeguard measure under the Novel Food
regulation (Italy), while other nine national safeguard
clauses invoked under environmental legislation (Austria,
France, Germany, Luxembourg, Greece and UK) are pending.
Member States have been officially requested to withdraw the
above measures and to lift the relevant restrictions.
To date,
· authorisation
procedures under the Novel Foods Regulation are being finalised
in line with the interim approach agreed on 12 July 2000 by
anticipating the key forthcoming provisions agreed by the
Council (i.e. labelling, traceability, monitoring, etc) into
individual authorisations of GMOs. Furthermore, Article 46(1) of
the new Regulation on GM food and Feed provides that
applications made under the Novel Foods Regulation, which have
received a final scientific assessment before the coming into
application of the new Regulation, are still to be processed
under the Novel Foods Regulation. In line with the above, a
proposal for the authorisation of GM sweet maize Bt11 was
presented to the Regulatory Committee on 8 December, where a
qualified majority in favour was not reached(6).
In accordance with Comitology procedures, a proposal referring
the authorisation back to the Council was prepared for adoption
by the Commission; the written procedure(7)
was suspended on 12 January.
· Applications
under Directive 2001/18/EC are currently being processed
in accordance with the authorisation procedure. A meeting of the
Regulatory Committee will be called on 18 February in order to
consider for approval the most advanced of the above 22
applications in the procedure. This is the Monsanto NK603 GM
maize for which the EFSA Panel adopted a favourable opinion
(pursuant to Directive 2001/18/EC and Novel Food Regulation
258/97). This application is for import and processing only. It
does not include cultivation as a requested use.
· Work
is being progressed in the framework of the seed legislation
where 23 GM maize varieties inscribed in national catalogues
should be inscribed into the Common Catalogue of agricultural
plant species. Discussions are finalised for 10 varieties,
allowing the Commission to proceed with their inscription.
The new
political background
WTO challenges
on GMOs
A WTO panel
was established on 29 August 2003 at the request of US, Canada
and Argentina to rule on the matter of GMOs.
The focus
of the WTO complaint is neither the EU legislation on GMOs and
GM food approval, nor the recently adopted legislation on
traceability and labelling and GM food and feed, but rather the
Community's alleged inaction on GMO issues. The WTO panel will
be asked to pronounce itself on the compatibility of the
Community and Member States measures with relevant provisions of
WTO law. The measures as identified by the complainants consist
in particular of
· Community's
suspension of consideration and failure to approve applications
for authorisation of GM products, which the complainants allege
as caused by undue delays on the part of Community's
institutions in the application of Community's legislation;
· national
marketing and import bans (i.e. national safeguards), which
according to the complainants are maintained by Member States
also in infringement of Community legislation.
New national
measures on GMOs
Against the
above background, as a reaction to the completion of the
legislative framework, a number of Member States are taking
steps allegedly to protect their commercial organic and
conventional sector by pursuing any available power they retain
under Community legislation to operate the most restrictive
policy possible in relation to GM crops cultivation(8).
includes the adoption of national measures on co-existence
which are being notified to the Commission in an increasing
number. The measures included in the first notifications aimed
either to set GM free regions or to limit (as much as possible)
cultivation of GMOs by setting strict measures to be complied
with at national/regional level. In December 2003 the Commission
has recognised that, for the first time, the main principles
laid down in the Commission's recommendation on co-existence
have been taken into account in a notification, even though
additional conditions would need to be fulfilled in order to
make the notified measures acceptable to the Commission(9).
Commission services are also aware of non notified co-existence
measures, taken at national, regional or local level which might
contradict Community legislation and could require infringement
Many Member
States are now seeking clarification on what sort of
co-existence measures would be legally acceptable. Indeed,
through those notifications of national measures, Member States
are testing the limits how far they can go in establishing
GM-free zones. Amongst other issues, the volume of notifications
will also test our capacity to process them within the tight
deadlines provided.
Based on
legal and scientific considerations, and the case-by-case
approach of the environmental legislation, the adoption of
blanket policy aimed to make a Member States or any particular
part of it "GM-free" would not be acceptable when seeking to
impose conditions that could not be justified in terms of
protection of human health and the environment. However, from a
political point of view it could be difficult to reject these
attempts at establishing GM-free zones, which are driven by
strong public local concern and economic considerations (such as
protection of local traditional agriculture), without offering
some alternative solutions together with the necessary legal
clarity and guidance to address their concerns and
The way
The EU must
demonstrate that its regulatory regime is being properly applied
and implemented in a transparent, scientific and rational
manner. With regard to the EU defence in the WTO panel, it is
essential to ensure by all necessary means that EU legislation
is complied with. Procedures should be shown to be operating as
intended in a co-ordinated coherent way. This presupposes a
number of actions by the Commission in the short run.
In the
light of the above,
· Decisions
aiming at authorising GMOs under Novel Food Regulation
and Directive 2001/18/EC should be submitted to a vote as soon
as procedures are finalised. In case of inconclusive opinion of
the Regulatory Committee, the issue should be transmitted to the
Council in accordance with the appropriate Comitology
procedure; In particular, the Commission should
· transmit
without delay the proposal relating to the authorisation of GM
sweet maize Bt11 to the Council(10);
in case the Council fails to take a decision on the GM sweet
maize Bt11 within the 3-months statutory period, the Commission
should adopt the decision,
· submit
a draft decision authorizing GM maize NK603 to the Regulatory
Committee under Directive 2001/18 in February. In case of
inconclusive opinion of the Regulatory Committee, the issue
should be transmitted to the Council without delay;
· In
relation to the pending national safeguard measures,
aimed at repealing the safeguard measure invoked both under
Novel Food regulation (i.e. Italy) and under environmental
legislation (i.e. Austria, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Greece
and UK) should be finalised and submitted to the vote in absence
of reaction of the Member States concerned. In case of negative
opinion of the Regulatory Committee, the issue should be
transmitted to the Council in accordance with the appropriate
Comitology procedure;
· In
relation to the notifications of national measures on
co-existence, aside from its role as watchdog of the Treaty,
the Commission should enhance its co-ordination role as defined
in Directive 2001/18, in order to smooth any potential problems
linked to the development of co-existence strategies by Member
· Member
States should be made aware of the legal obligation of notifying
their measures on co-existence,
· Commission
services should elaborate on the interpretation of the
co-existence guidelines and establish a coexistence network with
all Member States to share information.
· For
the purpose of ensuring absolute legal clarity,
· labelling
for the adventitious or technically unavoidable presence of
authorised GM seeds in seeds of non-GM varieties should
urgently be finalised under the environmental legislation and
submitted to the vote (in the Regulatory Standing Committee).
Identical thresholds should then be adopted under the seed
legislation (in the Management Committee);
· the
setting of specific thresholds under the organic farming
regulation should be studied by the Commission services, and
recommendations or proposals, as appropriate, submitted to the
Commission is invited to endorse the approach set out in the
above part 4 of this paper.
(1)COM(2002)27. The
strategy was endorsed by the EP and by the Council
(2)To date only 6 MS
have transposed the Directive, namely UK, DK, SW, P, IRL and IT
(3)Regulation (EC) No
1829/2003 of the EP and of the Council of 22.9.2003 on
genetically modified food and feed (OJ L268, 18.10.2003, p.1.
Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 concerning the traceability and
labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability
of food and feed products produced from genetically modified
organisms and amending Directive 2001/18/EC (OJ L268,
18.10.2003, p.24)
(4)With the exception
of notifications under the simplified procedure of the Novel
Foods Regulation (derogation from the full authorisation
(5)It is important to
note that the decisions to take on the national safeguard
measures are not decisions to initiate infringement procedures,
but a mere application of the relevant legislation in order to
guarantee that all GM products are treated in the same way all
throughout the EU. In the context of infringement procedures,
the Commission can freely decide whether or not any action
should be undertaken; this is not the case as regards national
measures adopted pursuant to safeguard clauses in harmonisation
(6)Spain, Ireland, UK,
The Netherlands, Finland and Sweden in favour; Belgium, Italy
and Germany abstained; France, Austria, Greece, Portugal,
Denmark and Luxembourg against.
(7)PE E/2661/2003 doc.
COM(2004)10 of 6.1.2004-which is now part of this Commission
(8)Measures have been
notified under Article 95 of the Treaty and/or Directive
(9) Notification of a
regional Act by the Austrian region Carinthia under Directive
(10)written procedure
E/2661/2003 see point 10 of the Commission meeting agenda
(11) Individual
decisions will be presented to the College for adoption by
written or oral procedure, as appropriate