Brussels, Belgium
January 23, 2004
Dr Franz Fischler, Member of the European
Commission responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development and
Fisheries: Towards a European action plan on organic food and
European Hearing on Organic Food and Farming
Ladies and
value" and "high quality" are not just assets that can be
attributed to organic produce, and I would like to begin by
extending my thanks to our speakers and panellists who fuelled
this morning's discussions in such an energetic and informative
way. I think that you, and the rest of our participants here
today, have raised much food for thought, and the variety of
contributions you have made, and conclusions that have been
drawn, will play a valuable role in the ongoing discussions
surrounding organic agriculture. It has reiterated, once again,
the pace at which this sector is developing, and the importance
of identifying a coherent and comprehensive action plan.
In my final
comments I would like to address three issues that appear to be
crucial for the future: the market, the role of public support
and the standards.
As far as
the market is concerned, we have heard a lot today about how
important a balanced supply and demand will be for the future
development of organic. You also mentioned that a healthy and
sustained development of the organic sector is only possible
when the market demand is properly served.
importance of a balanced market was also emphasised in the
conclusions of last month's Agriculture Council. It unanimously
adopted conclusions on a strategy for a European Action Plan
that underlined, in terms of market demand, the importance of:
maintaining and developing the organic sector's production base;
evaluating the impact of reform on organic agriculture;
of introducing initiatives that improve the marketing
conditions, that ensure better consumer information, and that
promote consumption and trade in third countries;
of promoting, not least internationally, a common definition of
"organic farming" and of "organic product";
It also
questioned the possibility of establishing an independent
Committee to provide scientific and technical advice, or an
economic observatory to evaluate the evolution of supply and
demand of organic produce.
So, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
It is clear
that opinions are converging on the future direction of organic
agriculture, and we will use the Action Plan to examine what
framework is needed to improve the monitoring and analysis of
the evolution of supply and demand, and to harness the full
potential of organic farming.
To do so,
we must first make use of existing structures, for example, by
promoting co-operation between economic actors at regional,
national and European level. Or we could improve the collection
of statistical data using the resources already available to us,
for example, at Eurostat. Such data would not only provide the
tools to base policy on, but would also greatly advance business
Making the
most of market potential is not just a question of data
analysis, it is also a question of informing consumers giving
them "information leads", as you suggested this morning. They
need to be made aware of the nature and advantages of organic
farming. They must be able to recognise organic produce on the
shelves, and they must have easy and convenient access to a
large variety of high quality produce.
The first
possible Action in this respect is the EU logo. I believe this
is an essential instrument to increase the visibility of organic
produce, and increase consumer awareness. The success of the
"Biosiegel" in Germany is a telling example of how a common
logo, combined with powerful information and promotion
campaigns, can contribute to improving the market. And, based on
what I have heard today, future Actions should concentrate on
the various possibilities for EU financed or co-financed
information and promotion campaigns.
In my
opinion a common logo will help consumers all over Europe and
indeed all over the world to recognise organic products. I
recognise that many people are concerned about making an EU logo
obligatory, and here I would like to stress that I believe there
are many benefits in using national and private logos alongside
our own. However, I think that we must be aware that the more
emblems we use, the more we risk confusing consumers. One
solution to this problem would of course be to improve
transparency, and make consumers aware of what the different
logos represent. This should apply to standards and logos in
third countries as well.
Indeed, a
growing market share is based on import and export. With the
growth of the organic food industry, more and more tropical and
other ingredients are sourced outside of the EU. Organic farming
has become a global issue. I think the time is now right to
evaluate and improve our mechanisms, to ensure that third
country standards and inspections are equivalent to our own.
Ladies and
our organic sector is not just a question of consumer awareness.
It is also a question of financial assistance, which brings me
to the second important set of Actions: public support for
organic production. The most important EU instrument is, as you
are aware, our Rural Development policy, a policy that is
implemented by the Member States. Therefore, any disparity in
support between Member States, or between regions is the result
of different choices in respect of priorities, specific features
and measures.
Agri-environment is by far the most widely used measure
benefiting the organic farming, reflecting the sector's high
delivery in terms of environmental protection and animal
welfare, its role in promoting biodiversity, and preservation of
natural resources like soil and water, and its contribution to a
variety of landscapes.
agri-environment measures have contributed to developing the
supply of organic produce, which is the first link in the chain.
But the products still need to reach the consumers. And we have
again heard that more needs to be done to develop the
processing, distribution and marketing side of the production
But closer
examination of how our rural development programmes are used,
reveals that the different instruments that could help this side
of the sector are used relatively rarely. A coherent set of
measures for the organic sector is a key element for a
successful support policy. Therefore I can only invite all
involved in the implementation of the programmes to identify
weaknesses in the marketing and distribution of organic produce,
and introduce appropriate measures in the programmes.
particular, I would like to draw your attention to the potential
of the following new measures:
1. The new animal welfare measure for which
organic animal husbandry methods could qualify. In addition,
new, increased maxima for EU co-financing, also for
agri-environment, have been introduced.
2. The new food quality chapter would be
particularly useful in developing the demand side. Promoting
organic produce, and making full use of rural development
possibilities goes hand in hand with organic farming.
But it is
not just the new measures that we are introducing that will help
to foster the expansion of organic agriculture. As you quite
rightly suggested this morning, decoupled support and greater
market orientation under the reformed CAP, also lends itself to
the development of this sector.
Ladies and
are also an important element where organic agriculture is
concerned, which brings me onto the third block of possible
actions that I would like to mention.
The EU
regulation is one of the oldest and most advanced frameworks for
organic farming in the world. In my view there is no doubt that
our regulation has been instrumental in the wider recognition
and uptake of organic farming. And, along with the growth of
organic farming in the EU, our standards have also been updated
several times. This is something that should continue, because
organic farming in its very nature is a dynamic sector, one that
must respond quickly to changes in consumer demand, and one that
must react to new scientific and technical developments.
Many of you
today have stressed that there is a particular need to develop
animal welfare, environmental standards, as well as standards
for other areas that are not covered so far. To help with this
complex task, one possible Action would be to explore how we can
adopt a more scientific working method, based on consulting
independent and transparent expert opinion. As I mentioned
earlier, the Agriculture Council was more explicit in its
conclusions, demanding the setting up, at EU level, of such an
independent Committee.
hearing has raised some interesting views on how standards could
be used more efficiently as a communication vehicle. For
example, how they should send clearer messages on the objectives
of organic farming, and how they can demonstrate more clearly
its role in protecting the environment; or the example it sets
in terms of animal welfare standards, and its contribution to
biodiversity, to improving soil fertility and resistance to
diseases. This can all be done in the Action Plan by defining
these objectives in our legislation.
As to the
inspection system, I agree this also has a vital role to play in
building consumer confidence. Some improvements have been
implemented in recent years, and in the very near future the
Council may conclude on some further details. There is no doubt
that we must continue to evaluate how we can make the inspection
system more efficient. For example we should introduce risk
analysis tools, we should optimise the co-ordination between all
the actors involved, and we should harmonise the accreditation
of inspection bodies. These too could be elaborated on in our
On GMOs, a
number of interesting elements have been raised today that add
to the already wide debate. Last July, the Commission presented
its recommendations on co-existence to the Member States, in
which it stipulated that, because of the diversity of
agriculture in Europe, it is more appropriate that rules on
co-existence are formulated at national and/or regional level.
Commission is now actively collecting approaches, and ideas,
from the Member States in order to compare best practices at the
European level.
The recent
German and Danish proposals show that we are gaining ground
here. In the meantime, several EU regions are developing methods
to implement co-existence rules appropriate for their specific
situation, based on the Commission recommendations.
Last month
the Council recommended in its conclusions, that the action plan
includes strategic objectives for the protection and enhancement
of organic products vis-à-vis the adventitious presence of GMOs.
And next
Wednesday, 28th January, I will be taking the conclusions of
today's discussions into the Commission meeting, which is
specifically dedicated to the issue of GMOs in a broader
context. I have listened carefully to the many interventions
defending the crucial importance of GMO thresholds for seeds,
whether organic or not, to the future of organic farming, and
next week we will decide the best way forward on this specific
issue of the general GMO threshold in seeds. What is already
clear to me is that operators need to be properly informed, by
indications on the seed lots themselves, that the lots at hand
could contain GMOs, regardless of whether they are present at
levels above or below the thresholds.
ladies and gentlemen, I would like to conclude today by
acknowledging your call for improving targeted research into
organic farming. This issue would play a role in all three
blocks of Actions: it is needed to better understand and enhance
the development of the market, it is needed to evaluate the
effects of policy intervention, and it will be necessary to
underpin future standards. It is clear that organic farming
needs to be supported by a suitable integrated European research
and innovation system. A lot has been done already in this area
and even more is on its way, but I will examine, with the
Commission, what possible Actions we can propose to intensify
research on all aspects of organic farming.
Ladies and
Today we
have made substantial progress in finding answers to some of the
key questions and we will respond soon. In the meantime however,
it is paramount that we explore, and exploit, the potential of
the current measures in support of organic farming.
As to the
European Action Plan I understand your impatience. This Hearing
was one of the last steps in the process. We now need to reflect
on how best to utilise all inputs from the consultation process
to draft a realistic Action Plan with a high sense of purpose in
it. And let's be clear, ladies and gentlemen, this Action Plan
is just a step, in fact it is a very important step, but is not
the end. I prefer to see it as a significant move forward in the
continuous process of defining the best policies, monitoring the
results, and generating a constructive dialogue with all
Thank you
for your attention. |