February 24, 2004
by Bruce Eisley, Ron Hammond
The Ohio State University
Crop Observation and
Recommendation Network
Newsletter 2004-04
There has been the addition of 2 new hopperbox insecticide seed
treatments for corn in 2004. They are Concur and Latitude and
both contain Gaucho (imidacloprid) as the insecticide. Because
there have been several new seed treatments (both hopperbox and
seed applied) in the past year, we have put together a table
which lists the seed treatment, active ingredient, rate and
insects listed on the label.
This table is
listed in the corn section of the agronomic crops insects web
site at
We studied several of these seed treatments for efficacy against
several insects in 2003 and the seed treatment study results are
http://entomology.osu.edu/ag/reports.htm |