Sydney, Australia
December, 2004
University of Sydney
Plant Breeding Institute
Cereal Rust Laboratory
Wheat Variety Responses to
Stripe Rust
by Colin Wellings, Harbans Bariana and Robert Park
Cereal Rust Update, Volume 2
number 4, which provides stripe rust ratings for Australian
wheat cultivars
The stripe rust epidemic
throughout the majority of Australian wheat growing regions in
2004 has prompted the question of variety reaction to the
disease. Expected variety responses for eastern Australia wheats
were circulated in several reports, the most recent being Cereal
Rust Report Volume 1, Issue 5 (January 2004). In general,
varieties have performed to expectation in 2004. The pathotype
survey has, to date, shown no evidence of change in the pathogen
population and in general, the relative rankings of variety
response to stripe rust have not altered appreciably.
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