Urbana, Illinois
December 7, 2004
University of Illinois Extension projections indicate
returns will be lower and costs higher for Illinois corn and
soybean producers in 2005. The full report, "2005 Corn and
Soybean Revenue and Cost Estimates," is available online through
farmdoc at
"Returns in 2005 are forecast to be considerably below 2003 and
2004 returns and are near 1998, 1999, and 2000 levels," said
Gary Schnitkey, U of I Extension farm financial management
specialist who co-authored the report with Dale Lattz, also an
Extension specialist in farm financial management. "Lower
effective prices--market price plus loan deficiency
payments--and higher costs contribute to the 2005 returns
decreases. Yields used for the 2005 forecast are based on the
2000 through 2004 average yields, which are also lower than the
projected 2004 yields.
"Costs are projected higher in 2005, as well. Major increases
occur in fertilizer costs. For corn, variable costs are
projected to be up by $6 and $9 per acre. For soybeans, those
costs may go up by $4 to $5 per acre."
The report looks at four region and yield categories: northern
Illinois; central Illinois with high-productivity farmland;
central Illinois with low-productivity farmland; and southern
Illinois. Forecasts are compared to historical returns for
Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) grain farms from
2000 to 2003 along with preliminary estimates of 2004 returns.
Schnitkey said corn if is forecasted to be more profitable in
2005 than soybeans.
"Corn returns are forecast to be $51 per acre higher than
soybean returns for northern Illinois, $53 for central Illinois
with high-productivity farmland, $49 per acre for
low-productivity farmland in central Illinois, and $29 per acre
in southern Illinois," he said.
Soybean returns are estimated without considering yield losses
or cost increases due to soybean rust. Rust could change costs.
As always, projections for next year's return may differ
dramatically from actual results, Schnitkey noted.