El Batan, Mexico
December 1, 2004
Source: CIMMYT
Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) project was launched in
1999 with the primary goal of increasing maize production and
food security for African farmers through the development and
deployment of improved maize varieties that provide high
resistance to insects, particularly stem borers. To achieve this
goal, KARI and CIMMYT scientists will identify conventional and
novel sources of stem borer resistance and incorporate them into
maize varieties that are well suited to Kenyan growing
conditions and to farmer and consumer preferences. Major funding
for the project is provided by the
Syngenta Foundation for
Sustainable Agriculture.
A revised project plan for IRMA
II, geared to better address regulatory issues related to Bt
maize and to enhance project management, was released in October
2004, the culmination of months of intensive planning meetings
and workshops. “In the course of implementation of IRMA II it
became clear that the regulatory issues were not exhaustively
covered in the original project plan,” explains IRMA Project
Manager Stephen Mugo. The need to more thoroughly address
regulatory issues (through the assembly of regulatory dossiers)
emerged full force as field testing and eventual release of Bt
maize in Kenya became more imminent.
In June 2004, consultant Willy De
Greef provided IRMA parties with an overview of regulatory
issues related to transgenic crops. At that special IRMA
Steering Committee meeting, a working group was established to
formulate and oversee IRMA II strategies for fulfilling
regulatory regimens. Appointed to the group were B. Odhiambo
(KARI), S. Mugo (CIMMYT), J.K. Ng’eno (MOA), and F. Nang’ayo
(Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service [KEPHIS]). Dr. Simon
Gichuki (KARI) was appointed to be the IRMA Project Internal
To get the ball rolling, five
scientists were designated to attend an intensive two-week
course on regulatory issues and processes, conducted in August
at Ghent University, Belgium. The scientists were involved in
either IRMA II or regulatory processes: A. Pellegrineschi and S.
Mugo (CIMMYT), M. Mulaa and S. Gichuki (KARI), and R. Onamu
(KEPHIS). On the heels of the regulatory workshop, a two-day
workshop to develop, plan and incorporate regulatory activities
in the IRMA II project plan was held in Nairobi in September
2004. Twenty-one participants from seven institutions attended
the workshop: KARI, CIMMYT, KEPHIS, National Council for Science
and Technology (NCST), Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable
Agriculture, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF),
and International Biotech Regulatory Services. The objectives of
the meeting were to (1) update the status of Bt maize in IRMA
project; (2) identify information needed for a dossier on Bt
genes to be deployed by the project;(3) determine sources of the
needed information and identify gaps to be filled through
research; (4) determine activities needed to fill the gaps,
including resources and assigning responsibilities; and (5)
update the IRMA II project plan, specifically on regulatory
issues. After agreeing on the components of a regulatory
package, the team split up into working groups and identified
the required information, and developed activities over time,
including budgets and responsibilities. Subsequently, a small
task group incorporated the regulatory strategies into the
project plan and created a revised structure for IRMA II. Ten
themes were recommended:
Bt maize event, development of Bt source line, and human
health safety assessment
Development of conventional and Bt products and
compositional analysis
Environmental impact assessment
Insect resistance management and contingency plans
Regulatory issues and requirements
Seed production
Market assessment and analysis
Economic impact assessment
Communication/promotion (public awareness, media relations,
Each theme is interdisciplinary
and involves a team of entomologists, biotechnologists,
breeders, economists, communications experts, IP counsels,
extension officers, policymakers, regulatory officials, and most
importantly, Kenyan farmers. The first testing of Bt maize
source lines will be in the biosafety greenhouse complex in 2004
and in the field in 2005. OPVs will be pre-released in 2010,
with large-scale release in 2011. Hybrids will follow a year
behind OPVs. In developing the project plan, probabilities of
success and risks, and contingency measures were identified.
Milestones were set, against which progress will be measured.
These fall in four broad categories: (1) facilities and permits;
(2) breeding; (3) environmental safety assessments; and (4)
socioeconomic impacts. Dispersal of funds by Syngenta Foundation
will take these milestones into account.
To actualize the milestones and
objectives, a new project management structure was developed.
Under the new scheme, an Executive Committee (EC) composed of
KARI, CIMMYT, Syngenta Foundation, MOA, and The Rockefeller
Foundation directors, and CIMMYT African Livelihoods Program
director was established with overall responsibility for the
project. The position of Project Manager was instituted and
given overall responsibility for the projects day-to-day
activities and oversight, and reporting to the EC. An advisory
board of experts from the public and private sectors will be
appointed by the EC to provide expertise in their respective
areas and to monitor progress on the project plan. A project
management team, composed of the 10 project theme leaders, will
hold quarterly meetings and report monthly to the project
The five-year budget for the
project is approximately USD 6,670,000. Although the Syngenta
Foundation will be the principal development partner, The
Rockefeller Foundation will provide support for seed issues.
Other potential donors will be approached to provide support for
one or more of the specific outputs of the project.
Collectively, these development partners, together with those
involved with IRMA I, and especially the farmers of Kenya, will
work to ensure that the products needed by the farmers of the
nation and sub-Saharan Africa actually reach them.