Mexico, D.F., Mexico
August, 2004
Modern bread wheat was born out of
a chance crossing of just a few individuals from three grass
species about 10,000 years ago. Many other grass species that
were not part of this crossing are still around and are being
used by scientists to provide modern wheat with a boost of
useful genetic diversity.
Incorporating Desired Traits from Wheat’s Wild
CIMMYT scientists have been
crossing durum wheat with wild relatives of wheat, such as goat
grass, since the early 1990s. This cross creates synthetic
wheats, which can easily be crossed with improved varieties to
incorporate new, useful genes. The resulting wheats are improved
varieties that also have desirable traits from the wild parents.
CIMMYT has produced synthetic wheats and their derivatives with
traits such as resistance to septoria and fusarium head blight
and also tolerance to drought, heat, salt, or waterlogging.
Most improved
wheat varieties lack high concentrations of iron or zinc.
Although grain nutrient levels vary by location, CIMMYT
scientists have identified grasses in northwestern Mexico that
have high levels of these minerals. The grain of some wild
relatives contains 1.5 times more iron and 1.8 times more zinc
than average wheats. Because the inheritance of iron and zinc
seems to be genetically linked, breeders can find both traits in
the same synthetic wheat and cross it with a high yielding line.
A cross between a
synthetic wheat and an improved variety has almost twice as much
genetic diversity as its parents. The current challenge is to
make the best use of this new diversity. CIMMYT possesses more
than 1,000 synthetic wheats, and samples of all are available
upon request. More than 25% of all new wheats that CIMMYT has
distributed in the past three years to wheat improvement
programs and farmers in developing countries in irrigated and
low rainfall areas have been synthetic wheat derivatives.
The Evolution of Wheat
Modern wheat is a
relatively young crop, with just 10,000 generations of
evolution, which sprang from the crossing of a few individuals
from three grasses. Humans have been domesticating this crop for
thousands of years. Early on, they started selecting plants with
the most desirable traits and taking care of them with
irrigation, weeding, and other precautions. Partly in response
to domestication, spikes became more compact and easier to
harvest, seeds stopped sticking to plant petals and became
free-threshing, and most seeds germinated around the same time
after planting.
facilitated those changes in a short period of time. The
proto-wheat became a different species, called emmer wheat,
which crossed with a third grass in present-day Iran about
10,000 years ago. With domestication, this combination
eventually became modern bread wheat. However, the story
continues with the help of modern science. Genes found in
grasses that are thousands of years old are helping scientists
to increase genetic diversity in wheat and to fortify it with
desired traits.
China and Spain Benefiting from Bridge Wheat
Researchers in
China recently crossed CIMMYT synthetic wheats with local wheats
and released the results to farmers in 2003. Breeders in Sichuan
province have been using the CIMMYT-developed synthetic
hexaploid wheat since 1995 to improve quality, yield potential,
and disease resistance. After crossing and backcrossing this
wheat with high-yielding local varieties, they have developed
several lines and are currently testing five more.
The synthetic wheats pass on beneficial traits such as large
kernels, heavy spikes, and resistance to new races of Chinese
stripe rust. During two years of yield trials, the two varieties
derived from synthetic wheats had 20% to 35% higher yields than
the commercial check variety. One of these varieties, named
Chuanmai42, had the highest average yields – more than six tons
per hectare – in the trials. Since it was released in Sichuan in
2003, Chuanmai42 has been recommended by the government to
farmers and has been delivered to most wheat breeding research
programs in China.
In 2003, Spain
registered a CIMMYT synthetic wheat derivative under the name
Carmona. This fast-growing variety matures and provides seed in
a shorter period than most commercial cultivars, which is
valuable for wheat growers who often plant late in the year in
southern Spain. Carmona has better grain quality and is suited
to zero-tillage systems, where it resists foliar diseases and
produces higher yields. |