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Consultation on unintended presence of GMOs in seed imports
Canberra, Australia
April 7, 2004

The Australian Government Working Group on Unintended Presence has prepared a consultation paper that canvasses options for a strategy to deal with the unintended presence of genetically modified organisms in seed imports. The paper has been released to seek the views of members of the seed industry and other interested parties on this issue. The history, purpose and possible options for dealing with unintended presences are all covered in the paper.

Download the consultation paper [PDF 655 KB | 3.6mins @ 33.6kbps].

Comments on the paper can be submitted in the following ways:

by mail:

Working Group on Unintended Presence
Biotechnology Australia
GPO Box 9839
Canberra ACT 2601


fax: (02) 6213 7615

The closing date for comments is 5:00pm on Wednesday 19 May 2004.

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