Brussels, Belgium
April 16, 2004
The EU's food safety agency gave a
clean bill of health yesterday to a type of genetically modified
maize made by U.S. biotech giant Monsanto, considering it safe
to be eaten by both humans and animals.
The positive assessment of the maize, known as MON 863, is the
third to be issued by the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) - but it is still only
a small step down a long road towards lifting the EU's six-year
ban on new biotech foods.
"The panel has concluded that MON 863 maize, genetically
modified to confer protection against certain insects, is as
safe as conventional maize," EFSA said in a statement.
"Consequently, its placing on the market - for import,
processing and food or feed use - is unlikely to have an adverse
effect on human or animal health, or on the environment in the
context of its intended use," it said.
The risk assessment was requested by the European Commission,
the EU's executive arm.
EFSA said it was unable to reach a conclusion on another
Commission request for a view on a second Monsanto maize type,
the hybrid MON 863/MON 810, since the agency's panel of
scientific experts was divided over the need for specific data.
In its first biotech food assessment in December, EFSA gave a
clean bill of health to another Monsanto product, a
herbicide-resistant GM maize type known as NK603. Then, in
March, it issued a similar opinion on Monsanto 's GT73 rapeseed.
EU member states will now have to decide whether to allow
imports of the MON 863 maize, which has been engineered to
resist certain field pests, principally one known as corn
If approved for importing, it would not be for growing but only
for human and animal consumption, the same to the first two
Monsanto products.
But the 15 countries are deeply split on whether to end the EU's
ban, the focus of a bitter trade row with Washington which has
launched a trade suit against EU policy, arguing that Europe is
acting illegally and without scientific proof.
The unofficial moratorium on new biotech approvals comes under
the spotlight next week, when EU farm ministers debate an
authorisation for a gene-spliced maize known as Bt-11 and
manufactured by Swiss agrochemicals firm Syngenta.
The ministers will discuss Bt-11 at a meeting on April 26.
So far, all signs are that little has changed to break the
deadlock among the 15 states. If the ministers cannot agree to
approve or reject the maize, the Commission will have the legal
power to grant authorisation and thereby lift the moratorium.
16 Apr 2004
Opinion adopted by the GMO Panel on 2 April 2004
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified
Organisms on a request from the Commission related to the
Notification (Reference C/DE/ 02/9) for the placing on the
market of insect-protected genetically modified maize MON 863
and MON 863 x MON 810, for import and processing, under Part C
of Directive 2001/18/EC from Monsanto
(Question No EFSA-Q-2003-089)
[download opinion at:]
[for the corresponding EFSA opinion under the old Novel Food
Directive, go to]
This document provides an opinion of the Scientific Panel on
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) of the European Food
Safety Authority (EFSA) on genetically modified maize MON 863
and the maize hybrid MON 863 x MON 810. The opinion is based on
two questions raised by the Commission related to applications
for the placing of the maize on the market by Monsanto under the
Novel Food Regulation (EC) No 258/97 (EC, 1997) and the
Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) into the environment (EC, 2001).
In the first question, the GMO Panel was asked to consider the
safety of foods and food ingredients derived from MON 863 and
MON 863 x MON 810 maize. In the second question the GMO Panel
was requested to consider whether there is any scientific reason
to believe that the placing on the market of MON 863 and MON 863
x MON 810 maize, for import and processing, is likely to cause
any adverse effects on human health and the environment. The
questions followed two separate scientific assessments which
were initially made by the competent authorities of Germany and
subsequently evaluated by all other Member States. An assessment
of the MON 863 and MON 863 x MON 810 maize was requested by the
Commission because of questions raised by several Member States
following the evaluations at the national level. When this is
the case, EU legislation requires that EFSA carries out a
further assessment and provides an opinion.
In delivering its opinion the Panel considered the applications
and additional information provided by the applicant and the
specific questions and concerns raised by the Member States. At
the request of the Commission, the Panel has provided two
separate opinions. However, as both dossiers cover to a large
extent the same issues a single risk assessment is provided for
both opinions.
The maize MON 863 and the hybrid MON 863 x MON 810 were assessed
with reference to their intended use and the appropriate
principles described in the guidance document for the risk
assessment of genetically modified plants and derived food and
feed (EC, 2003). The scientific assessment included the
transformation process, the vectors used and the transgenic
constructs in the genetically modified plant. Furthermore a
comparative analysis of agronomic traits and composition was
undertaken and the safety of the new proteins and the whole
food/feed was evaluated with respect to toxicology and
allergenicity. Both a nutritional and an environmental
assessment, including monitoring plans, were undertaken.
MON 863 maize was developed to provide protection against
certain coleopteran pests, principally corn rootworm (Diabrotica
spp.) by the introduction of a variant Bacillus thuringiensis
cry3Bb1 gene expressing an insecticidal protein. The hybrid
maize MON 863 x MON 810 was produced by a conventional cross
between inbred maize lines MON 863 and MON 810 to combine the
rootworm resistance trait in MON 863 with the trait present in
MON 810 protecting against lepidopteran pests (Ostrinia
nubilalis and Sesamia spp.). MON 810 maize was approved under
Directive 90/220/EEC (EC, 1990) by Commission Decision 98/294/EC
(EC, 1998a). The use of food and food ingredients from MON 810
maize was notified in 1997 under the Regulation (EC) 258/97 .
Molecular analysis of MON 863 maize demonstrated that only the
two expected full-length proteins, Cry3Bb1 and NptII, would be
encoded by the insert. With respect to the presence of an intact
nptII gene, the GMO Panel recently formulated an opinion (EFSA,
2004) on antibiotic resistance genes in GM plants and concluded
that the use of nptII as a selection marker did not pose a risk
to the environment nor to human and animal health. DNA sequences
at the junctions between the insert and parent genome were
determined revealing the presence of mitochondrial DNA at both
flanks. The molecular analysis does not differentiate between
the integration of insert DNA within a region of mitochondrial
DNA that is already present in the nuclear genome and the
acquisition of this
organelle DNA as part of the primary integration during
transformation. The integration of organellar DNA within plant
nuclear genome is established as a normal phenomenon and the
Panel considers that the resolution of this distinction would
not significantly impact on the present safety assessment.
Analysis of DNA sequences spanning the junctions identified open
reading frames. In the unlikely event that a new peptide or
protein is produced as a consequence of the insertion event,
bioinformatics analysis showed that these would have no homology
to known toxins or allergens. For MON 810 maize, junctions
between the insert and the plant genome were delineated and the
complete DNA sequence of the insert determined. An apparent
inconsistency between the original dossier and newly provided
information was resolved. Investigation of the molecular
structures of the DNA inserts in MON 863 x MON 810 hybrid
confirmed that insert structures and loci of insertion were
Compositional analyses of kernels from MON 863, a non-modified
control and commercial lines revealed minor differences in some
plant constituents, which were not considered to be biologically
significant. Comparison of MON 863, MON 810 and MON 863 x MON
810 hybrid showed a statistically significant difference in the
copper content, which is not unexpected given the distinct
genetic backgrounds of the single- insert plants and the hybrid.
Since the copper levels are within normal ranges of variation,
the Panel considers that there is no need for further assessment
in the hybrid.
Cry3Bb1 and Cry1Ab levels in kernels of MON 863 x MON 810 hybrid
were higher than in MON 863 and MON 810. The ranges were broad
and showed overlap between the double- and single-trait hybrids.
The Panel concludes that these data do not raise safety
The Cry3Bb1 protein produced in E. coli was considered by the
Panel as equivalent to the plant-derived protein and an
acceptable alternative for use in the toxicological testing.
Adequate acute toxicity data were provided for both Cry3Bb1 and
NptII proteins. An allergy risk evaluation of the Cry1Ab and
Cry3Bb1 proteins was carried out from which it was concluded
that the probability of allergenicity was very low.
The results of 90-day sub-chronic rodent studies do not indicate
adverse effects from consumption of MON 863 and MON 810 and the
Panel concludes that there are no concerns over their safety.
Feeding studies conducted on broilers with MON 863, MON 810 and
MON 863 x MON 810 showed no adverse effects. The Panel considers
that the nutritional properties of these maize lines would be no
different from those of conventional maize.
The notification C/DE/02/9 only concerns import and processing.
There is therefore no requirement for scientific information on
possible environmental effects associated with the cultivation
of the maize lines. The GMO Panel agrees that unintended
environmental effects due to the establishment and spread of GM
maize will not be different from that of traditionally bred
maize. The Panel concludes that the amounts of Cry toxin being
distributed onto land in manure would be very low, minimizing
the possibility for exposure of potentially sensitive non-target
organisms. The monitoring plan provided by the applicant is in
line with the intended uses for the GMO.
In conclusion, the Panel considers that the information
available for MON 863 addresses the outstanding questions raised
by the Member States and considers that MON 863 will not have an
adverse effect on human and animal health or the environment in
the context of its proposed use. In the case of the hybrid MON
863 x MON 810, while it was considered that it is scientifically
valid to use data from the single GM lines MON 863 and MON 810
to support the safety assessment of the hybrid MON 863 x MON
810, the Panel was divided over the need for confirmatory data
for the safety assessment of the hybrid, in particular, the need
for an additional 90- day rat study with MON 863 x MON 810.
Therefore the Panel could not reach agreement on the safety
evaluation of the hybrid. |