Indianapolis, Indiana
April 6, 2004
A recent survey revealed 93
percent of the farmers surveyed, who planted hybrids containing
Herculex I Insect Protection last year, say the technology met
or exceeded their expectations. This past year,
Mycogen Seeds offered growers 11
hybrids with Herculex™ I Insect Protection.
Growers were pleased with the overall performance of Herculex I,
citing protection against European corn borer, black cutworm and
western bean cutworm as a positive attribute.
“Growers told us that they chose hybrids protected by Herculex I
because of its spectrum of insect protection and their desire
for higher yields,” says David Borgmeier, Marketing Specialist
at Mycogen Seeds. “This research shows they believe they made
the right decision.”
Dow AgroSciences conducted the survey interviewing producers in
key corn-producing states who tried Herculex™ I on their farms
during 2003, its first season of commercial availability.
“Herculex I performed exceptionally well,” says Stephen Smith,
Agronomy Services Manager, Mycogen Seeds.
Growers cited the broad-spectrum protection Herculex I offers as
the No. 1 reason for deciding to plant corn hybrids containing
this technology. Herculex I protects corn plants against first-
and second-generation European corn borer, southwestern corn
borer, western bean cutworm, black cutworm and fall armyworm,
and provides intermediate suppression of corn earworm, making it
the broadest-spectrum in-plant insect protection available.
Herculex I is the only trait on the market that protects against
western bean cutworm – a pest of growing importance, especially
across the western Corn Belt.
“Herculex I is offered in our top corn hybrids, and fewer
potential feeding pests help ensure those hybrids reach their
full genetic potential. Growers don’t have to sacrifice quality
or yield for built-in protection against key corn pests,” says
Ben Kaehler, National Sales Manager with Mycogen Seeds.
Herculex I hybrids are tolerant to over-the-top application of
Liberty® herbicide. “With resistance concerns increasing, more
farmers are placing greater importance on managing their
herbicide options,” says Borgmeier.
Most growers surveyed said they definitely plan to use Herculex
I again during the 2004 growing season. “Broad-spectrum insect
protection and the proof of performance they saw in their own
fields were the main reasons cited by growers who are planning
to plant Herculex I again this season,” says Borgmeier
Additionally, when Dow AgroSciences interviewed growers who had
considered Herculex™ I hybrids for 2003 but chose not to plant
them, six out of 10 now say they plan to turn to Herculex I this
year. Among the reasons growers gave for the change were
spectrum of insect protection, the addition of western bean
cutworm to that spectrum, and agronomic performance, based on
Herculex I hybrids they viewed in plots last summer.
Several Herculex I hybrids are offered with Cruiser™ Extreme Pak
(Cruiser insecticide and Dynasty™ fungicide seed treatments)
which protect germinating seed from damage and stand loss caused
by wireworms, seedcorn maggots and secondary pests. Herculex I
hybrids, offered with the Cruiser Extreme Pak, provide the
grower with a herbicide-tolerant option along with the broadest
insect protection package available. Contact your Mycogen Seeds
sales representative or agronomist for more information.
Mycogen Seeds is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
Mycogen Seeds is the leader in Silage-SpecificTM corn, the
largest sunflower seed producer, and a leading producer of seed
corn, alfalfa, soybeans and sorghum. For more information on
Mycogen Seeds, go to on the Internet.
®™Mycogen, the Mycogen M logo and Silage-Specific are trademarks
of Mycogen Corporation.
™Herculex is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC
Liberty and the LibertyLink Logo are registered trademarks of
Cruiser and ™Dynasty are trademarks of Syngenta Crop
Protection, Inc.
©2004 Mycogen Seeds. Mycogen is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences
Herculex I Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred. |