31 March 2004
Today the
European Community and nine of its Member States deposited at
the FAO their instruments of ratification of the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,
making it possible for the Treaty to enter into force in 90
days. The Treaty facilitates access (for research and breeding)
to seeds of the most important agricultural plant species. The
sharing of commercial profits for the benefit of conservation
and the sustainable use of genetic resources will be an
important step forward in North-South relations.
party to this Treaty is essential for agricultural research and
crop breeding in the EU", said David Byrne, EU Commissioner
responsible for Health and Consumer Protection, including Plant
Health. "I applaud the efforts of the negotiators who achieved
the important agreement on sharing commercial profits for the
mutual benefit of all. The EU will continue to strive for the
inclusion of even more species in the multilateral system."
For the
Treaty to enter into force, at least 40 countries had to ratify
it. By depositing its instruments of ratification at the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today,
the European Community, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and two
acceding countries, the Czech Republic and Estonia, raised the
number of ratifications from 36 to 47, making it possible for
the Treaty to enter into force on 29 June 2004.
What is
the International Treaty about?
International Treaty is a legally binding global framework for
the use of genetic resources in research and breeding, and its
multilateral system covers the most important (but not all)
agricultural crops, including oats, apple, rice, potato, wheat,
maize and 29 forage species. Parties to the Treaty will have
guaranteed access to such genetic resources and share the
commercial and other benefits arising from their use.
"Facilitated access" in practice means that: any public or
private research or breeding institution in any country that is
a contracting party to the Treaty can demand to receive seeds of
crop species covered by the Treaty from a public institution in
any other contracting country, free of charge and not subject to
individual bilateral negotiation.
plant breeders had to negotiate on a bilateral basis with the
country of origin, in accordance with the Convention on
Biological Diversity in force since 1993. These conditions were
not only costly and time consuming but could also lead to the
monopolisation of genetic resources. For European breeders the
new Treaty has enormous advantages by guaranteeing facilitated
access to and commercialisation of important genetic resources.
On 3
November 2001, the 31st Session of the Conference of
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) approved the Treaty in Rome. The International Treaty will
be set up in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD). It is a major breakthrough because of its legally binding
nature and the combination of facilitated access to agricultural
plant species with the sharing of commercial benefits of such
Owing to
the clash of different interests and opinions, the negotiations
have been a long and painstaking process. The European
Community, represented by the European Commission and its Member
States, have contributed to these negotiations. The EC has
negotiated constructively in the FAO bodies and has launched
various actions to keep and accelerate the progress of the
negotiations, through official and informal contacts to all
parties involved in the dialogue.
The sharing
of commercial and other benefits through the use of genetic
resources deriving from developing countries has been a
controversial issue in the North-South dialogue. Therefore, the
provisions regarding benefit sharing are an essential element of
the Treaty and their successful implementation will be the key
to its success. The European Union will continue its
constructive contribution in the negotiations with regard to a
standard material transfer agreement.
The initial
suggestion of the European Union was to cover all agricultural
crops by a multilateral system under the Treaty. The European
Union will continue its efforts to take in additional crops.
Commission's proposal on the ratification (COM(2003) 602 final),
including the text of the Treaty are available on the Internet