United Nations,
New York
October 31, 2003
The United Nations today launched a major international drive to
increase the production of rice.
Launching the International Year of Rice 2004,
the Director-General of the UN Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Dr. Jacques Diouf, said
that rice "is the staple food for over half of the world's
population" but warned that "its production is facing serious
Dr Diouf pointed out that the world population
was continuing to grow, but land and water resources for rice
production are diminishing.
"While the Green Revolution of the 1970s
greatly alleviated the global burden of hunger in some parts of
the world, these benefits have been levelling off," he warned.
FAO figures show that, by 2030, total demand
for rice will be 3 percent higher than the annual amounts
produced between 1997 and 1999. Rice is the most rapidly growing
food source in
Africa and has a major influence on human nutrition and food
security all over the world. Sustainable rice-based production
systems can help the eradication of world hunger and achieving
the UN Millennium Goals. "Almost a billion households in Asia,
Africa and the Americas depend on rice systems for their main
source of employment and livelihood," Dr Diouf told UN
delegates. "About four-fifths of the world's rice is produced by
small-scale farmers and is consumed locally. Rice systems
support a wide variety of plants and animals, which also help
supplement rural diets and incomes. Rice is therefore on the
frontline in the fight against world hunger and poverty."
He said that rice production and consumption is
a pivot of many cultures around the world. Calling rice "a
symbol of cultural identity and global unity," Dr. Diouf said it
shapes religious observances, festivals, customs, cuisine and
celebrations. Hence the UN decision to take a unique step in its
history and dedicate a year to this single crop - rice. FAO will
lead a number of international agricultural organizations in
organising a campaign under the motto Rice is Life.
The campaign was sparked by a proposal last
year from 44 UN member countries, citing a 'pending crisis' in
rice production. Since the early 1990s, the proposal stated,
scientists had been warning that growth in rice yields were
falling and were lower than population growth.
Rapid acceleration of rice production in the
last three decades had been a primary contributor to
improvements in world food security, the proposal continued. But
of the 840 million people still suffering from chronic hunger,
over fifty-percent lived in areas dependent on rice production
for food, income and employment.
"It's time," Dr Diouf urged, "for the global
community to work together to increase rice production in a
sustainable way that will benefit farmers, women, children and
especially the poor. Global initiatives aimed at promoting
sustainable agricultural development have been established over
the years by many countries. I see the International Year of
Rice 2004 as a powerful opportunity for the global community to
implement these initiatives."
"The Year of Rice will act as a catalyst for
country-driven programmes throughout the world," announced the
FAO Director-General. "We aim to engage the entire community of
stakeholders, from rural farmers to the scientific institutions
that mapped the rice genome, in the mission to increase rice
production in a manner that promotes sustainability and equity.
Many member countries have already formed National Committees
for the International Year of Rice and they will serve as the
dynamic link between our international vision and the practical
realities in local people's lives."
This strategy has been successful in the past,
according to FAO. Just after World War II, rapid population
growth coupled with slow rice production had led experts to
predict starvation in
Asia. On its own, FAO had declared 1966 the Year of Rice.
Numerous countries took measures to improve production,
marketing, milling and nutrition. Conferences were organised and
scientific research stimulated.
The 2004 campaign will similarly seek to propel increased
research and application of improved methodologies. A scientific
contest will be held, along with regional and international
conferences. Details can be found at
www.rice2004.org. |