Brussels, Belgium
October 24, 2003
European Commission has suddenly decided to cancel a vote
foreseen next Monday on proposals to provide a harmonised
approach in the European Union on the question of seed purity
thresholds for trace amounts of approved GMOs in non-GM seed.
EuropaBio strongly protests this decision which will further
delay the implementation of much needed rules in this area.
There have already been several years of inaction on this issue,
despite the Commission's duty to ensure fair and open markets
for approved products in the European Union.
For years,
industry has insisted that an effective Internal Market requires
clear EU-wide rules on seed thresholds. Further delays will have
serious repercussions for agriculture across the EU. This
regrettable decision makes a mockery of the internal market and
exposes the agriculture industry and individual farmers to
unacceptable legal uncertainty. All of the products in question
have been fully approved for cultivation following assessments
by the EU and all Member States for safety to human health and
the environment.
and conflicting rules, standards and procedures in different
Member States and, indeed, among different regions in some
countries, are untenable for the seed industry, farmers and the
associated agriculture industries. This is a matter of urgency,
and EuropaBio urges the Commission to immediately address this
important problem.
represents 35 corporate members directly and, through its 23 member
associations, over 1200 SMEs. All are involved in research and
development, testing, manufacturing and distribution of
biotechnology products. EuropaBio, the voice of European
bioindustries, aims to be a promoting force for biotechnology
and to present its proposals to industry, politicians,
regulators, NGOs, and the public at large. |