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Terrazole® CA fungicide labeled by California DPR for use on containerized ornamental plants

June 27, 2003,

Terrazole® CA, an ornamental fungicide from Crompton Corporation/Uniroyal Chemical, has been registered by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for control of soil-borne diseases in containerized plants grown in nurseries and commercial greenhouses.

With this label, Terrazole CA can now be used in the state of California for prevention and control of water mold, damping off, root rot, stem rot and crown rot diseases caused by the Pythium and Phytophthora species.

Terrazole CA is mixed with water and applied as a soil drench, beginning at the time of seeding or transplanting, with a maximum of two applications per crop.

“Crompton/Uniroyal Chemical has a long-standing reputation for providing effective, quality products for the greenhouse market, and this new label for Terrazole makes an outstanding addition to our specialty products portfolio in California,” says Laurie Treu, vice president of specialty products, Crompton/Uniroyal Chemical. “We know that the growers in California were badly in need of an alternative fungicide for effective pythium control and we want to thank all of those growers in the state who supported this registration, especially Nurserymen’s Exchange, who took the lead on behalf of the grower community in California to move this project forward.”

Terrazole has highly active protective properties with contact activity that allows it to work well as both a preventative and curative treatment in the soil. Optimum performance is obtained when it is used in a preventative disease program because its mobility in the soil allows Terrazole to get down into the root zone where maximum protection is needed.

Terrazole CA is a 35% wettable powder supplied in a 2 lb. jar. For container-grown plants, it can be applied as a soil drench to virtually all bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants and woody ornamentals at rates of 4-6 ounces per 100 gallons of water (3/4-1 Tsp./Gal.). It can be applied to 4, 5 and 6 inch diameter pots only, using a maximum drench volume of 2, 3 and 4 fl. ozs./pot respectively.

Use of Terrazole CA is limited to application on plants where the presence of metalaxyl or mefenoxam resistant Pythium or Phytophthora has been confirmed. This information must be documented on a written recommendation by a licensed California Pest Control Advisor. An important benefit from Terrazole is that it has nearly 30 years of commercial use, with no known cases of resistance.

Terrazole has highly active protective properties with contact activity that allows it to work well as both a preventative and curative treatment in the soil. Optimum performance is obtained when it is used in a preventative disease program because its mobility in the soil allows Terrazole to get down into the root zone where maximum protection is needed. Terrazole CA is a 35% wettable powder supplied in a 2 lb. jar. For container-grown plants, it can be applied as a soil drench to virtually all bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants and woody ornamentals at rates of 4-6 ounces per 100 gallons of water (3/4-1 Tsp./Gal.). It can be applied to 4, 5 and 6 inch diameter pots only, using a maximum drench volume of 2, 3 and 4 fl. ozs./pot respectively. Use of Terrazole CA is limited to application on plants where the presence of metalaxyl or mefenoxam resistant Pythium or Phytophthora has been confirmed. This information must be documented on a written recommendation by a licensed California Pest Control Advisor. An important benefit from Terrazole is that it has nearly 30 years of commercial use, with no known cases of resistance. Terrazole has highly active protective properties with contact activity that allows it to work well as both a preventative and curative treatment in the soil. Optimum performance is obtained when it is used in a preventative disease program because its mobility in the soil allows Terrazole to get down into the root zone where maximum protection is needed. Terrazole CA is a 35% wettable powder supplied in a 2 lb. jar. For container-grown plants, it can be applied as a soil drench to virtually all bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants and woody ornamentals at rates of 4-6 ounces per 100 gallons of water (3/4-1 Tsp./Gal.). It can be applied to 4, 5 and 6 inch diameter pots only, using a maximum drench volume of 2, 3 and 4 fl. ozs./pot respectively. Use of Terrazole CA is limited to application on plants where the presence of metalaxyl or mefenoxam resistant Pythium or Phytophthora has been confirmed. This information must be documented on a written recommendation by a licensed California Pest Control Advisor. An important benefit from Terrazole is that it has nearly 30 years of commercial use, with no known cases of resistance. Terrazole has highly active protective properties with contact activity that allows it to work well as both a preventative and curative treatment in the soil. Optimum performance is obtained when it is used in a preventative disease program because its mobility in the soil allows Terrazole to get down into the root zone where maximum protection is needed. Terrazole CA is a 35% wettable powder supplied in a 2 lb. jar. For container-grown plants, it can be applied as a soil drench to virtually all bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants and woody ornamentals at rates of 4-6 ounces per 100 gallons of water (3/4-1 Tsp./Gal.). It can be applied to 4, 5 and 6 inch diameter pots only, using a maximum drench volume of 2, 3 and 4 fl. ozs./pot respectively. Use of Terrazole CA is limited to application on plants where the presence of metalaxyl or mefenoxam resistant Pythium or Phytophthora has been confirmed. This information must be documented on a written recommendation by a licensed California Pest Control Advisor. An important benefit from Terrazole is that it has nearly 30 years of commercial use, with no known cases of resistance. Terrazole has highly active protective properties with contact activity that allows it to work well as both a preventative and curative treatment in the soil. Optimum performance is obtained when it is used in a preventative disease program because its mobility in the soil allows Terrazole to get down into the root zone where maximum protection is needed. Terrazole CA is a 35% wettable powder supplied in a 2 lb. jar. For container-grown plants, it can be applied as a soil drench to virtually all bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants and woody ornamentals at rates of 4-6 ounces per 100 gallons of water (3/4-1 Tsp./Gal.). It can be applied to 4, 5 and 6 inch diameter pots only, using a maximum drench volume of 2, 3 and 4 fl. ozs./pot respectively. Use of Terrazole CA is limited to application on plants where the presence of metalaxyl or mefenoxam resistant Pythium or Phytophthora has been confirmed. This information must be documented on a written recommendation by a licensed California Pest Control Advisor. An important benefit from Terrazole is that it has nearly 30 years of commercial use, with no known cases of resistance.

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