Avestha Gengraine
Technologies Pvt Ltd, a biotech company headquartered in
Bangalore's International Tech Park, announced the opening of
new facilities in Andhra Pradesh.
Based on the campus of the
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT) in Patancheru, Avesthagen will offer GMO testing and
quality assurance services for both domestic and international
markets. Avesthagen's ag-biotech services will also move into
the same premises as per the agreement signed by both parties on
2 May.
According to Dr William Dar, Director General of ICRISAT, the
agreement with Avesthagen is a step forward for ICRISAT's
partnership with the private sector. ICRISAT is looking forward
to more such partnerships in biotechnology.
The alliance would be in keeping with the greater mission of
enhancing the efficiencies, effectiveness, speed and precision
of research in agriculture that the two parties plan to
undertake under various national and international programs.