Dairyland Seed recently announced that District Sales
Manager, Derry Abraham, has been promoted to the position of
Alfalfa Product Manager.
Abraham’s primary responsibility will be to promote the value
of Dairyland’s exclusive patented msSUNSTRA™ Hybrid Alfalfa to
Dairyland Dealers and Distributors. As such, Abraham will be
responsible for coordinating efforts to gather on-farm yield
data, coordinate alfalfa field days, coordinate alfalfa
management clinics and pursue other activities which will
promote hybrid alfalfa and Dairyland’s other alfalfa products as
"I am excited to have an individual of Derry’s capability
fill this role in the new era of hybrid alfalfa for Dairyland.
We have a tremendous number of growth opportunities and we need
to deliver the high-value message that hybrid alfalfa can
improve grower productivity and improve the producer’s economic
outlook," stated Dairyland CEO Tom Strachota.
In March of 2001 Dairyland announced the release of the
world’s first hybrid alfalfa, HybriForce™-400. In March of 2003
Dairyland announced the release of its second alfalfa hybrid,
HybriForce™-420/Wet, featuring branched roots and adapted to
heavy or saturated soils.
Dairyland Seed, headquartered in West Bend, Wis., is the
industry’s only family-held seed company with plant breeding
programs in soybeans, hybrid corn and hybrid alfalfa. Dairyland
has plant breeding facilities in Clinton, WI; Otterbein, IN;
Gibson City, IL; Gilbert, IA; and Sloughhouse, CA. Dairyland
also has production facilities in West Bend, WI; Mt. Hope, WI;
and Homedale, ID.