May 2, 2003
MAF Media Release via Agnet
The New Zealand
Ministry for Food and
Agriculture (MAF) has taken a pre-emptive step to ensure
that future imports of cotton seed comply with the provisions of
the HSNO Act.
On 1 May MAF Biosecurity made a
minor amendment to the import requirements for cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum) seed for sowing. Future imports of cotton seed will
require a permit, prior to arrival at the New Zealand border.
Importers will also be required to provide appropriate
assurances that the consignment does not contain unauthorized
genetically modified seeds.
Appropriate assurances include
testing the seed or parent plants and isolating the crop during
National Advisor for MAF, Dr
Gerard Clover says although there are no records of cotton seed
being imported to New Zealand and no existing cotton growing
industry, the amendment was made to an historical health
standard governing imported cotton seed.
"This amendment is pre-emptive,
to ensure that importers are aware of the requirements under the
HSNO Act. If there is a cotton growing industry in the future,
MAF would introduce a specific testing protocol for cotton
seeds, as it has done for soy, maize and oil seed rape," Dr
Clover said. Cotton seed oil imports are covered by Food
Standards and therefore are not included in the import health