CropVerifeye, LLC announces agreement with Crop Data Management Systems, Inc.

Ft. Wayne, Indiana
March 11, 2003

CropVerifeye, LLC, the industry leader in digital traceability systems for the agriculture and food processing industries, has announced an agreement with Crop Data Management Systems, Inc. (CDMS) to market and distribute WebAPLS the Internet based version of CDMS' Ag Product Label Services (APLS), an agricultural chemical searchable database application for producers, input suppliers, food processors, and other industry service providers.

CDMS is the number one provider of database and software applications for agricultural chemical label information. The company works cooperatively with more than 90 chemical manufacturers to provide over 4,000 of the most current labels and MSDS' through software services and web applications. This software is the choice for regulatory information in more than 10,000 locations nationwide. The software is powered by CDMS' database, which is updated daily. WebAPLS generates specific label summaries based on the search criteria, allows for product comparisons, and provides easy links to full-text specimen labels, DOT requirements and Worker Protection Standards. Since WebAPLS is an Internet based application, there is no installation necessary for the user to activate and implement the program. Scott Mueller, Vice President of Consulting Services for CDMS explains, "For those needing chemical information, WebAPLS is up to date, portable and the most comprehensive solution available."

Jim Mock, President of CropVerifeye, LLC, says this about the alliance "The CDMS relationship allows CropVerifeye to provide even more robust solutions to our customers. WebAPLS is a key component in our continuing enhancement of the CropVerifeye product line."

Due to increased awareness of food safety issues and the global movement toward greater transparency of the origination of food ingredients, CropVerifeye continues to lead in validation of stewardship practices used by several major food manufacturers, processors, and their contracted producers. As the agri-food industry continues to require additional information about issues related to GMO and non-GMO crops, country of origin labeling, etc., CropVerifeye maintains its leadership position in information capture, traceability tools, and verification practices that are customized to each client's compliance requirements. International concern about these issues, at both the producer and processor levels, has elevated the topic to the forefront of many commercial and government agendas. Since there is no standard set of regulations that governs the method to which supply chain participants must adhere, CropVerifeye's immediately customizable, web-based platforms allow clients to insert their own compliance parameters. Subsequently, their customers can view specific data protocols from anywhere on the globe. CropVerifeye's growth and development of strategic alliances are a direct result of increased international demands for the company's products and services as a response to these industry trends.

News release


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