Brussels, Belgium
March 5, 2003
DN: IP/03/314
Today, the European Commission held a policy discussion about
co-existence of genetically modified (GM), conventional, and
organic crops. The Commissioners addressed the concept of
co-existence, preparatory work carried out so far, possible farm
management measures, the feasibility of GM-free zones and
liability for adventitious presence. The Commission also
discusses policy options and action to be taken on the national
and EU level. The Commission noted that co-existence concerns
the economic consequences of adventitious presence of
genetically modified (GM) crops in non-GM crops. The issue has
its origin in the principle that farmers should be able to
cultivate freely the agricultural crops they choose, be it GM,
conventional or organic. No form of agriculture should be
excluded in the EU. Today's discussion will serve as a basis for
a round table on co-existence on 24 April 2003, where
stakeholders will have their say. The Commission will then
speedily table guidelines
how to address the issue of co-existence.
"Co-existence raises questions which have to be addressed. It is
important to be clear about the rules and the legal framework,
be it on a national or EU level. Let there be no mistake:
Co-existence is about economic and legal questions, not about
risks or food safety, because only authorised GMOs can be
cultivated in the EU. The application of co-existence measures
is not new. Already in conventional farming, seed producers, for
example, have a great deal of experience of implementing farm
management practices to ensure seed purity standards. The next
step will be to extensively discuss the different options with
member states and stakeholders. Then the Commission will quickly
bring forward guidelines.", Franz Fischler, Commissioner for
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries said.
What is co-existence?
The cultivation of authorised GMOs in the EU will also have an
impact on agricultural production. In particular, it raises the
question of how to manage the adventitious mixing of GM and
non-GM crops (admixture), resulting from seed impurities,
cross-pollination, volunteers (self-sown plants, mainly from
harvest fall-out carried over to the next growing season),
harvesting-storage practices and transport, as well as its
possible economic consequences. The ability of the agricultural
sector to deliver a high degree of consumer choice is linked to
its ability to maintain different production systems.
The most cited example of income loss due to admixture is that
of conventional and organic farmers who have to sell their crop
at a lower price because of the adventitious presence of GM
crops above the authorised threshold level. The opposite example
is where a speciality GM crop could depreciate in value because
of admixture with non-GM crops.
Examples of possible farm management measures
- isolation distances between
- buffer zones;
- pollen barriers;
- control of volunteers
(self-sown plants);
- crop rotation and planting
arrangements for different flowering periods;
- monitoring during cultivation,
harvest, storing, transport, and processing.
The issue of GM-free zones
The Commission reckons that voluntary local arrangements are
feasible between farmers or between farmers and industry to
ensure the absence of one or more GM-crops in specific areas.
Examples of such arrangements already exist for crops requiring
high purity standards or separation, such as erucic acid oilseed
rape. However, in general a ban of the cultivation of GM-crops
in Member States has to be excluded, since the protection of
economic interests alone cannot be invoked as a legally valid
justification for imposing such strong limitations on
fundamental liberties. In addition, the establishment of
GMO-free zones against the will of some farmers runs counter to
the very principle of
The question has been raised as to whether the possibility to
seek compensation for economic loss in the event of gene
admixture needs to be regulated on an EU level. In respect of
the principle of subsidiarity, the Commission considers that the
first step must be to find out whether the existing national
laws do not already offer sufficient and equal possibilities in
this regard. Another question that arises is how to establish
the causality link between the action and the damage.
Crop-specific solutions
Any approach to addressing the issue of co-existence needs to
take into account the differences between crops and crop
varieties with respect to their potential to spread to
neighbouring fields. A study of the Joint Research Centre and a
recent report on co-existence from a Danish expert group
confirmed that the probability of admixture, as well as measures
for reducing it, are highly crop-specific. The Danish study also
suggests that under conditions of a limited GMO share (10%) and
a general threshold of 1% for adventitious presence of GM crops
in non-GM crops, co-existence can be ensured for most crops in
Denmark (i.e., beet, maize, potatoes, barley, wheat, oats,
triticale, rye, lupine, broad beans and peas). For some crops
current farming practices may need to be modified, whereas in
other cases difficulties with co-existence are virtually
non-existent under these conditions. However, for oilseed rape,
as well as for seed production of certain crops, ensuring
co-existence may be more problematic and further evaluation is
required before guidelines can be developed.
Location-specific differences are a key in determining efficient
and cost-effective measures for ensuring the co-existence of
different production systems. For a few crops, mainly oilseed
rape, measures to ensure co-existence could involve significant
changes in farming practices.