Inoculate chickpea seed

June 12, 2003

Chickpea growers have been reminded to inoculate chickpea seed to boost the cropıs potential to fix soil nitrogen and lift grain yield.

Queensland Department of Primary Industries extension agronomist Matt Leighton says thereıs a school of thought amongst crop researchers that naturally occurring, non-specific rhizobium that attach to chickpea roots may not be working effectively.

"While research has identified the natural rhizobium nodules that infect the chickpea roots, the nitrogen fixing efficacy of these nodules remains questionable," Mr Leighton said. "Researchers suggest that using the correct strain of inoculant can enhance the plantıs nitrogen fixing ability to benefit crop performance and increase residual soil nitrogen levels to benefit follow-up cropping programs.

A commercially available Group N inoculant, such as Nodulaid 100, is readily available from seed marketers."

Contact Matt Leighton 07 4983 7404/0407 730 476.

Grains Flash from the GRDC


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