July 10, 2003
The Environmental Risk Management Authority
of New Zealand has received an application
from Crop & Food Research to field test in containment genetically
modified onions. It is noted that field trials are not covered by the
current moratorium, which applies to releases only.
This is the first application to field test a genetically modified plant
received by the Authority since the New Zealand Forest Research Institute
applied to field test modified trees three years ago.
The application seeks to undertake contained field trials of onions that
have been genetically modified with a standard herbicide resistance gene
that confers tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate. The stated aim of
the trial is to investigate the environmental, economic and social impact
of using glyphosate-resistant weed control technology as an alternative
to the current herbicide applications used on onion crops. The proposed
work will be conducted on land managed by Crop & Food Research in
the region around Lincoln, Canterbury.
The application was publicly notified today. Public notification is an
automatic process under the HSNO Act i.e. it occurs within a set time
frame once an application is received. Part of this notification process
involves making available on the ERMA New Zealand website details of this
field test including the Application Summary prepared by the applicant
and the Full Application. Both documents can be viewed from the applications
register on our website:
(type in the code GMF03001) or copies can be obtained from our office
on request.
Public submissions on this application may be made by any interested
person by the 20 August 2003, 30 working days after public notification.
A brochure on Making a Submission can either be downloaded from our website:
or a copy can be made available on request. Submissions may be made by
using our on-line submission form or paper copy at:
Or see the
focus page to access
the information above.
If a hearing is requested this is likely to take place at the end of
September / early October.
For further information please contact:
Telephone +64 4 918 4826.
Facsimile +64 4 914 0433.
Email: info@ermanz.govt.nz