July 10, 2003
Position Paper on
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs)
in June
2003 at the Annual
Congress of the International
Seed Federation in
In the past few years several public and private
plant-breeding organizations have been engaged in research on
regulating the expression of genes in plants. These
technologies, such as the one developed jointly by Delta and
Pine Land Company (D&PL) and the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) have many potential applications. They are,
however, still in development and there is some time before they
can be tested in the field.
so-called Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs) have been
split into two categories by the CBD team of consultants:
V-GURTs: restriction technologies at the variety level where
seed produced from the crop is sterile
T-GURTs: restriction technologies at the trait level where
seed produced from the crop is fertile and only expression of
a high added-value trait requires a special treatment.
The discussion in this paper is confined to
V-GURTs. V-GURTs come about through modifications in the genetic
make-up of a plant involving complex arrays of genes and gene
promoters that in their normal state are inactive. This means
the plants are normal and produce seeds that germinate when
planted. Seeds carrying V-GURTs produced for sale to farmers
will undergo a special treatment that triggers an irreversible
series of events rendering seeds, produced on farmers’ fields,
non-viable for replanting.
While V-GURTs are still in development, it is
difficult to say with certainty what the potential benefits of
this new technology are. However, research suggests the
i. An Incentive to Plant Breeding and the
Development of New Varieties
As countries all over the world increasingly
privatize their seed industry and plant breeding activities,
intellectual property rights are a means of providing incentives
to researchers and entrepreneurs. The UPOV Convention or other
similar sui generis systems, and patent rights are some
of the ways through which plant breeders are able to establish
time-limited ownership rights to their work. Where effective
intellectual property protection systems don't exist or are not
enforced, GURTs could be an interesting technical alternative to
stimulate plant-breeding activities. This is particularly true
in the case of self-pollinated crops, cash crops (e.g. cotton,
tobacco) and some food crops in countries where plant varieties
and/or biotechnological inventions are not protected.
New Traits
A possible benefit of particular interest in
wheat and other small grains is the prevention of grain
sprouting in the head under wet, warm conditions during some
harvest seasons. Sprouting in the head can be a primary cause
of poor grain quality and causes substantial economic losses to
the farmers. It is believed that V-GURTs could prevent this
condition from occurring.
iii. Improved Farm Management
Non-viable seed
produced on V-GURT plants will prevent the possibility of
volunteer plants, a major problem in areas where rotation is
Alternate Use of Crops
In restricted and well-managed environments, V-GURTs have the
potential to be used in the development of entirely new uses for
plants and animals, which will enable the farmer to address new
markets. These products do not affect the food chain but have
specific value-added traits of use in the pharmaceutical sector
(also known as biopharmaceuticals) or as industrial products
(such as enzymes and polymers). Potentially the biggest
development in this field could be the development of plants
growing biodegradable plastics.
v. Biosafety
V-GURTs can be regarded as a possible technical
solution to concerns about the possible adverse effect of Living
Modified Organisms (LMOs) on the conservation and sustainable
use of biological diversity. If all transgenic varieties were
V-GURTs they would not be able to spread into the environment
and, therefore, biosafety would be ensured without cumbersome
administrative procedures, such as those proposed in the
framework of the Biosafety Protocol. The mixing of specialized
products could be avoided.
The induced sterility in seed using GURTs cannot
spread. By its very nature, sterile seed cannot reproduce and
thereby produce pollen necessary for propagation. Biodiversity
is not threatened.
GURTs target modern varieties, in particular
transgenic varieties of self-pollinated crops. They are not at
all aimed at being introduced in landraces and local varieties
used by small-scale subsistence farmers. The level of
cross-pollination between V-GURT varieties and local varieties
or landraces should be very low, even in the case of
cross-pollinated crops. Therefore, impact on germination of seed
saved by farmers would remain very low and utilization of GURTs
in modern varieties would have a very limited impact on wild
relatives. ACCEPTED
The choice available to farmers of a large range
of varieties, including landraces, local varieties, modern
non-transgenic varieties and transgenic varieties (some
varieties of this last category, perhaps, with GURTs) will not
change with the introduction of GURTs. Farmers will continue to
select those varieties, which offer them the highest returns and
benefits. If varieties protected by GURTs don't provide a
significant financial benefit, farmers will remain free to use
varieties that are not protected by GURTs and subject to
national legislation, farm-saved seed of these varieties.
In areas where farmers, and particularly
subsistence farmers, alternate between the use of farm saved and
commercial seed, they must be advised on using more than one
variety of the same crop at the household level. At least one of
these varieties should be non V-GURT so that, in the event that
the farmer is unable to buy commercial seed in the next season,
(s)he is in a position to keep and use farm-saved seeds.
As in all aspects of farming, ensuring
information about GURTs is imparted to farmers remains important
and any broad application of GURTs should take into
consideration, prior to its introduction to the market,
its potential impact on smallholders, indigenous and local
communities. When GURT varieties are ready for commercialization
the seed industry will have to commit itself to appropriately
labelling seed, subject to national legislation.
As any other transgenic varieties, "GURT"
varieties will be assessed for environment and food safety
according to National biosecurity regulations and relevant
bodies. Only varieties that have been considered as safe during
the assessment process will be released. |