July 4, 2003
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
Early-bird notification:
Your chance to comment on the Risk Assessment and Risk
Management Plans for dealings involving intentional release of
genetically modified cotton: DIR 034/2003, DIR 036/2003, DIR
038/2003 and DIR 040/2003
The Office of the Gene
Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received four applications
under section 40 of the Gene Technology Act 2000
(the Act) which, if approved, would involve limited and
controlled release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into
the Australian environment. The OGTR is considering
applications received from Syngenta Seeds
Pty Ltd (DIR 034/2003), CSIRO
(DIR 036/2003 and DIR 038/2003), and
AgroSciences Australia Limited
(DIR 040/2003).
Details of the applications are as follows:
DIR 034/2003 – The application is for the controlled and limited release
of insecticidal GM cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum) into the environment.
Syngenta plans to use a maximum of 30 sites selected from 17
shires totalling an area less than 10 hectares in
New South Wales
and north
Western Australia.
DIR 036/2003 – The application is for the controlled and limited release
of insecticidal GM cotton into the environment. CSIRO also propose to plant some elite cultivars derived by crosses
between the insecticidal plants and other GM cotton plants
tolerant to glufosinate ammonium (the active ingredient
herbicides) generated as part of a separate dealing.
CSIRO plans to use a maximum of 16 sites selected from 17 shires totalling
an area less than 45 hectares in
New South Wales.
DIR 038/2003 – The application is for the controlled and limited release
of herbicide tolerant,
GM cotton, genetically modified with the bar gene to
confer tolerance to glufosinate ammonium. CSIRO plans to use a
maximum of 16 sites selected from 17 shires totalling an area of
less than 45
hectares in
New South Wales.
DIR 040/2003 - The application is for
the controlled and limited release of insecticidal GM cotton
into the environment.
plans to use 2 sites in New South Wales covering a total area of
0.04 hectares over one growing season.
Purpose of this notification
the Gene Technology Regulator, I would like to advise people who
have previously expressed interest in knowing about work with
GMOs in Australia that they now have the opportunity to access
information about these applications, including the applications
You can obtain a copy of any of the applications from my Office
(see contact details below). When contacting the office, please
quote the reference number of the application(s) you are
interested in. As the applications are quite lengthy, you may
prefer to view summaries of the applications, which are posted
on our website with this document (under “What’s New”). If you
would like to receive a hard copy of any of the summaries,
please contact us and we will post it to you.
Comprehensive ‘Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plans’
(RARMPs) for these applications are now being prepared with
input from a broad range of expert groups and stakeholders,
including State and Territory Governments, relevant local
councils, the Commonwealth Environment Minister, key
Commonwealth agencies and the Gene Technology Technical Advisory
Committee. The RARMPs are expected to be released for public
comment in August 2003. The Act specifies a 30 day minimum
consultation period. However, at this stage I anticipate
allowing 6 weeks for submissions to be received.
you have questions about the applications, or how you can
provide comment, please contact us at:
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
PO Box 100
Woden, ACT, 2606
Website: www.ogtr.gov.au
Phone: 1800 181 030
Fax: (02) 6271 4202
(Dr) Sue D Meek
Gene Technology Regulator
4 July 2003
Early-Bird Notification: Your chance to comment on the Risk
Assessment and Risk Management Plan for dealings involving
intentional release of genetically modified cottons DIR
034/2003, DIR 036/2003, DIR 038/2003 and DIR 040/2003 (PDF
040/2003 - cotton licence application summary (PDF file) |