July 6, 2003
Update of investigation into
suspected GM contaminated corn
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and New Zealand Food Safety
Authority officials today
provided an update on their investigations into a case of
possible GM contamination of sweet
corn harvested in the Gisborne region earlier this year.
Officials from ERMA New Zealand have
also been closely involved with these investigations.
AgriQuality GMO Services laboratory in Melbourne has worked
through the weekend to determine the
genetically modified organism and the concentration at which it
was present in the corn
“The laboratory results indicate the presence of Bt11, an
insect-resistant variety of sweet corn
and the only commercially-available GM sweet corn variety.
Eleven of the most common types of GM
constructs found in varieties of corn were tested for. All of
these tests showed negative
results,” MAF Biosecurity group director Barry O’Neil said.
“Concentration of this GM organism is very low – less than 0.05
percent. This is less than five
seeds in a sample of 10,000 seeds.”
“Bt11 is one of the GM corn varieties that has been approved for
consumption in New Zealand by
Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and the level of GM
concentration is well below the
Australia/New Zealand standard for unintentional presence of 1
percent,” Food Safety Authority
director plant and dairy products Tim Knox said.
“Information received from the company involved suggests that
the corn exported to Japan was a
trial shipment and no product has been released for consumption
in Japan or in New Zealand.
“Given this information and the outcomes of the tests, it
appears that no further action will be
required by the NZFSA,” Tim Knox said.
“MAF is investigating several possible pathways for
contamination. These are the original seeds
imported from the United States; the possibility of
cross-contamination from other crops grown
adjacent to the sweet corn fields at Gisborne; contamination
during the harvesting and
processing stages; and possible contamination during laboratory
testing,” Barry O’Neil said.
“Because the level of contamination is so low, the import
pathway cannot be ruled out as a
source. Tests of the imported seed line – both by the importing
company and by MAF – could have
missed this contamination.
“The audit of the harvesting and processing systems will provide
more information on the
possibility of contamination and on the exact status of all
material harvested.
“This audit will start on Monday once the specialists arrive.
The weekend’s severe weather,
resulting in road closures and the cancellation of some flights
to Gisborne disrupted their
travel plans,” Barry O’Neil said.
July 4, 2003
New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
officials today announced that they are investigating a case of
possible GM contamination of sweet corn grown in the Gisborne
region earlier this year.
The investigation also involves officials from the NZ Food
Safety Authority, ERMA New Zealand and the Ministry for the
MAF Biosecurity group director Barry O’Neil said the
investigations were prompted by a
New Zealand
company alerting MAF of test results conducted in Japan by a
pizza manufacturing company that had conducted routine testing
of a proprietary topping mix. This mix contained sweet corn
sourced from New Zealand.
“Upon receiving this information MAF, with the full co-operation
of the company, immediately moved to secure seed and product
samples and arrange independent testing through AgriQuality’s GM
testing facility in Melbourne,” Barry O’Neil said.
“Results received so far indicate no GM material in the seed
that was planted but indicate the presence of GM material in the
harvested crop. Follow-up tests are underway to confirm these
results and to identify the exact nature of the GM material
“MAF investigators are working closely with the New Zealand
company to ascertain the extent of plantings of this corn
variety; the nature of other crops, particularly corn varieties
grown adjacent to these; and the quantities and final
destination of the sweet corn that was harvested,” Barry O’Neil
“The New Zealand Food Safety Authority is awaiting test results
that will confirm the variety and level of GM material contained
in the corn. Based on information currently available, it seems
likely the GM variety contained in this corn has been approved
for human consumption in New Zealand. However if it is not an
approved GM variety, further action will be taken,” NZFSA
Director of Dairy and Plant Products Tim Knox said.
“MAF is taking this investigation very seriously and is working
closely with ERMA New Zealand officials,” Barry O’Neil said.
“There is still much we do not know about this particular event.
Our investigations currently underway should help answer many of
the questions we currently have. We will provide regular updates
as we receive the results of tests currently being conducted and
determine the extent of any risks that may arise.
“We have briefed Ministers and officials from the relevant
Government agencies. MAF values the high level of co-operation
it is receiving from the sweet corn exporter involved,” he said.
Questions and Answers
When did MAF first become aware of this issue?
On Thursday 26 June 2003 the Food Safety Assurance Manager of a
company in the Gisborne region contacted MAF Biosecurity
Authority. The company had received notification from its
Japanese importers its their processed packaged corn kernels had
tested positive for the presence of Genetic Modification (GM) by
a Japanese laboratory.The next day, Friday 27 June, MAF received
the test results which were in Japanese. The tests had also
been conducted on a pizza topping mix containing a number of
other ingredients. Immediately arrangements were made to re-test
the topping mix in an independent Japanese laboratory and to get
a translation of the initial test results. The re-test results
and the translation were received on Tuesday 1 July. MAF then
moved to secure samples of the original seed lines together with
samples of the product exported to Japan. These were sent to
AqriQuality in Melbourne.
MAF received these results on Friday 4 July and then proceeded
to brief Ministers, officials and the
New Zealand public.
What has been done to verify the results?
So far MAF has secured seed and product samples from the
New Zealand company and arranged independent testing through
AgriQuality’s GM testing facility in
This is a highly sophisticated testing laboratory. The original
samples tested are being re-tested to confirm the initial
results. When we have further results on the nature of the
samples we will then have a better basis for decision making.
How do we test imports of seed?
New Zealand
testing regime is one of the strictest in the world.
MAF tests imported seed for growing in the environment at the
border and if there is any indication of unauthorised GM content
it is not allowed in. MAF tests every batch of corn (as well as
maize seed) from all countries that grow GM crops as it comes
into the country and requires phytosanitary certificates from
all other countries stating that the seeds are GM free. A
consignment that has been tested offshore in a MAF-accredited
laboratory, according to the method in our import protocol, will
not be tested again unless there are genuine grounds that GM
seeds are present. This means that seed from non-GM as well as
GM producing countries is certified GM free before it is allowed
into the country.
Last year the sample sizes for testing for inadvertent GM
content were increased from 1400 to 3200 seeds. This means that
the current testing process will detect the presence of GM so
that MAF will be 95 per cent confident that any consignment with
a level of GM contamination of 0.1 percent (one seed in a
thousand) will be detected.
So why wasn’t it picked up in the import testing process?
Unless every single seed is tested (thereby destroying it), we
cannot guarantee 100 percent GM-free seed.
This suggests that the laws can’t prevent GM coming into the
country inadvertently.
Testing at the border is rigorous and when inadvertent GM
content is found, we act immediately to control the situation.
How come the tests results vary in terms of positive and
The tests used to check for the presence of GMOs are highly
sensitive and capable of detecting contamination from a number
of different sources.
How else could these seeds have been contaminated?
There are several possibilities, such as contamination in
harvesting and processing equipment; contamination in the
laboratory and cross-pollination from neighbouring crops.
How could cross-pollination have occurred?
Wind-borne pollen from adjoining Zea mays crops may have
contained GMOs. MAF investigation are underway to determine the
scale, location and proximity of these plantings to other Zea
mays crops.
Is there any connection to the earlier GM maize issue at Pacific
Seeds in Gisborne?
MAF Biosecurity is obtaining information on the location,
quantity and types of field plantings associated with this
When will an audit of the company start?
A quality assurance audit of the company will be carried out
over the weekend, and the company is very happy to host the
audit team. The NZFSA and a member of Plants Biosecurity will
conduct the audit and preparation of a question checklist has
In the initial stages of an investigation such as this, priority
is given to securing the product and testing it to see whether
or not it is contaminated.
The audit needs to be undertaken carefully so that all the
required information is collected, recorded and fully
Will MAF trace the corn seed from the original consignment?
Yes. MAF's investigations will include the seed company
responsible for the original importation. All sites where this
corn has been grown will be investigated.
How many other countries are affected by the exports of this
MAF investigators are conducting a full audit of the company
involved, If shipments have been made to other countries, these
Governments will be advised by MFAT.
MFAT is in liaison with its Japanese counterparts.
For further information about The
New Zealand
Food Safety Authority visit
For further information about MAF protocols visit
Timeline –
Summary actions to date on the suspect GM sweetcorn
Thursday 26 June 2003
The Food Safety Assurance Manager of a company in the Gisborne
region contacted MAF after receiving notification from their
Japanese importers that their processed packaged corn kernels
tested positive for the presence of genetic modification by a
Japanese laboratory.
Friday 27 June
Mechanisms for securing the seed under the Hazardous Substances
and New Organisms Act (HSNO) and Biosecurity Acts were
investigated and arrangements were made for a compliance order
under HSNO to be issued to control seed over the weekend..
Monday 30 June 2003
MAF was contacted by the Food Safety Assurance Manager of the
company, who was extremely co-operative. Processing details were
provided, location and source of the remaining seed lot was
confirmed. The company also provided a GM freedom declaration
and American testing results which showed no GM detected at a
0.01 percent operational limit of detection (10,000 kernel
sample, MAF standard is 3,200).
A copy of the report from the Japanese testing agency was also
faxed and a translation began.
MAF arranged for the seizure of remaining seed under Section 28A
of the Biosecurity Act using a MAF Quarantine Service Inspector.
Tuesday 1 July
Arrangements for the packaging, transport, pick-up and testing
of suspect GM corn samples were made. Two samples of seed (2 x
3200 seeds) and two bags of processed corn were couriered to
Auckland for dispatch to Genescan (AgriQuality) in
Australia the next day. Note that the sample numbers exceed
those considered sufficient to detect GM material based on MAF
A translated copy of the report from the Japanese testing agency
was obtained. The document states that GMO corn genes were
detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and that the corn
was confirmed as grown in
New Zealand.
MAF contacted the Food Safety Assurance Manager of the Company
and discussed the laboratory report with them. Information
contained in the report together with feedback obtained from
Japan by the Company suggested that Japanese testing was on a
mixed product with a range of unknown ingredients. |