Dairyland Seed
recently announced that Gary Leeper has joined Dairyland as its
Vice President of Sales. In this position he will oversee
Dairyland’s entire sales efforts. This includes Dairyland’s
Upper Midwest Dealer Sales Network as well as Dairyland’s
Distributor Sales Network which extends across the U.S. and into
various foreign countries.
He will also serve as a member of the Dairyland Seed
Executive Committee. In this capacity, he will interact with
others in corporate management and on the Board of Directors in
developing and executing corporate strategy.
Gary has spent 24 years in the seed industry and has held
various sales and marketing positions with Northrup King, Asgrow
and most recently serving as Sales Manager for U.S. seeds with
Mycogen Seeds. He is an Iowa native and is a graduate of the
University of Northern Iowa He and his wife Janet have three
children and will be relocating in the Milwaukee area.
"We are very pleased to have a person of Gary’s background
and experience join our family business,""stated Tom Strachota
Dairyland CEO.
Dairyland Seed is considered a world-leader in alfalfa
research and is the only family-held seed company in the U.S.
seed industry with plant breeding programs in hybrid alfalfa,
hybrid corn and soybeans.
Corporate headquarters and soybean conditioning facilities
are located in West Bend, Wisconsin, with hybrid corn production
facilities in Mt. Hope, Wisconsin and alfalfa production
facilities in Homedale, Idaho. Research stations are located at
Sloughhouse, California; Gilbert, Iowa; Gibson City, Illinois;
Otterbein, Indiana and Clinton, Wisconsin.