Strasbourg, France
July 1, 2003
Mr/Mrs President, Honourable
Members of the European Parliament,
We all know that the GMO issue is a political as well as a
technical one. As policy makers and legislators we have a clear
responsibility to provide high levels of safety for Europe's
citizens and to enable them to exercise choice. The EU has been
building a system which allows us to base decisions on whether
or not to authorise the use and release of GM products on the
best available scientific and technical advice. Once that base
is secured, it is then a matter of ensuring that the consumer is
correctly informed so that he/she is able to choose whether or
not to buy GM products.
The two proposals now being considered in second reading are
important parts of the overall design of our system for dealing
responsibly with GM products and they have been fully debated
inside all the political groups and different committees. In the
course of these discussions the question of co-existence has
been raised. I believe that, thanks to the hard work of the
rapporteurs, we have a workable basis for progress. Therefore I
believe that all the conditions are now met which should allow
the Parliament to agree both proposals in second reading.
Turning to the proposal for which I am responsible, I would like
to thank the rapporteur (Mr Trakatellis) and the Presidency for
their efforts to finalise the Proposal on labelling and
traceability. I hope that the Parliament and Council will be
able to agree on the amendments to be adopted later in Plenary
so that we can reach agreement on both Food and Feed and
Traceability and Labelling in this session. These proposals will
provide an important complement to the existing regulatory
You will all be aware of the difficult negotiations leading up
to adoption of the Common Position. The gap between the
different positions has narrowed as many of the amendments
adopted in first reading were introduced into the Common
As was to be expected, the issue of co-existence has surfaced as
a key issue in the second reading of both Proposals. The new
article to be introduced into the Directive under the political
agreement for the Proposal on GM Food and Feed will provide for
a legal base under which to work. This, linked with the
forthcoming initiative from the Commission on guidelines for
co-existence, will provide Member States with the possibility to
implement appropriate measures to deal with co-existence.
It is obviously very important to ensure complete coherence
between these two pieces of legislation. Therefore I would ask
you to deal with the amendments on co-existence tabled under the
Proposal on labelling and traceability in line with the
political agreement covering this issue under the Proposal on GM
Food and Feed.
Certain other amendments on the table provide some clarification
of the Common Position and can be supported by the Commission.
We must, however, avoid the introduction of amendments into the
text that would impinge on the equivalent provisions agreed for
the future Regulation on GM Food and Feed.
For this reason the Commission cannot support amendments that
seek to remove the exemptions from the labelling and
traceability requirements for adventitious traces of GMOs via
the thresholds.
Similarly, the Commission cannot support those amendments that
seek to change the scope of the Proposal or the traceability
requirements, particularly for imported and processed products.
The introduction of these amendments risk making the Regulation
unworkable and unenforceable.
Key Issues
In terms of the key issues, the Commission can support the
amendments that provide clarification of the Common Position.
These include:
Amendment 3, which refers to reporting obligations of the
Amendment 4, which expands on the requirement for
consumer choice
The first parts of Amendments 8 and 13, which highlight
the need for standardised procedures for the holding of
information by operators and which should assist inspecting
The second part of Amendment 17 with respect to the need
to 'publish' guidelines on sampling and testing methodology
Amendment 18, which refers to a central register to
assist inspecting authorities although I should point out that
such registers will already have to be established under
Directive 2001/18/EC and the Proposal on GM Food and Feed
Amendments 24, 26 and 27, which clarify the scope of the
exemptions for adventitious traces of GM material
The Commission can also support Amendment 1
In terms of co-existence, Amendment 16, in a similar
manner to an amendment under the Proposal on GM Food and Feed,
seeks to introduce text to address this issue into a new Article
26(a) of Directive 2001/18/EC. However, the text of Amendment 16
is not in line with that proposed for this new article under the
political agreement for the Proposal on GM Food and Feed. We
cannot amend Directive 2001/18/EC in different ways to address
the same issue and as such this amendment cannot be supported.
Conversely, Amendments 22, 23, 25 and 28 seek to
introduce text on co-existence that is identical to that which
will be laid down in Directive 2001/18/EC and the Regulation on
GM Food and Feed. The Commission considers this to be
duplication but we could accept it.
The remaining amendments, the majority of which are re-tabled
from first reading, cannot be supported These amendments were
not acceptable to the Commission at that time and were not
accepted by the Council in the Common Position. To re-open such
difficult issues in conciliation would be counter-productive.
Amendments 2, 9, 10, 14 and 15 refer to exemptions via
thresholds. Acceptance of these amendments would undermine the
political agreement reached on the Proposal on GM Food and Feed.
As I have previously said, consistency and coherence between the
two Proposals must be ensured.
In addition, the first part of Amendment 15 seeks to
re-instate national provisions for traceability under Directive
2001/18/EC. To accept this would only create legal uncertainty
given that the Proposal on the table will provide Community
rules for traceability as well as labelling.
Amendment 7 refers to the 'may contain' clause for food
and feed products in the original Commission Proposal. This was
also the subject of much difficult debate and to re-open it now
would have serious consequences for the operability of our
system and the forthcoming WTO Panel.
Amendment 6, which refers to the definition of the
placing on the market, was also subject to considerable debate
in the Council following adoption of the same amendment in first
reading. The wording of this amendment was included in the
Common Position via reference to the full definition of placing
on the market from Directive 2001/18/EC. The Commission cannot
support further amendment of this definition, particularly as
the tabled amendment would contradict definitions already laid
down in Community legislation.
Amendments 5 and 29 refer to the precautionary principle.
I would point out that the Council addressed this amendment in
the Common Position, as supported by the Commission. The
precautionary principle relates to risk assessment, which is why
it appears in Directive 2001/18/EC and the Proposal on GM Food
and Feed. Traceability is a 'facilitating measure' but is not
based on risk assessment. To go further than the current wording
of the recital is not appropriate and the Commission cannot
these amendments.
Amendments 11 and 12 refer to traceability and labelling
requirements for processed products and acceptance would again
impinge on the agreement reached under the Proposal on GM Food
and Feed, which covers such products.
The second parts of Amendments 8 and 13 seek to extend
the time period for the holding of traceability information from
5 years to 10 years. Even if traceability were still possible
after 10 years this information would be of no practical value.
Amendment 20 addresses reporting obligations of the
Commission, which are duplicated in Amendment 3.
Reporting obligations are already reflected in Article 12 of the
Common Position and further requirements are not necessary.
Amendment 21 refers to the date of application of the
Regulation. It should be noted that the applicability of the
Regulation was referred to in the Council and Commission
statement accompanying the Common Position.
To conclude, there has been a very intensive debate on the whole
issue of how the EU should handle GMOs. With some difficulty we
have put together a system which will offer security and choice
to our citizens. The proposal on traceability and labelling we
are now debating will strengthen consumer choice by giving us
Community rules. A workable compromise is on the table and I
hope that it will be supported so that we can adopt this
proposal in second reading and make sure that we have full
coherence between this proposal and the political agreement
reached on the food and feed proposal. It is important to decide
now so that we can show our own citizens, and the rest of the
world, that the EU can deal responsibly with this difficult
Thank you.