September 24, 2002
investment in biotechnology is beginning to pay off, with the
launch today of BoviQuest, the New Zealand dairy industry’s
biotechnology joint venture.
BoviQuest is a joint venture between Fonterra subsidiary
Biosciences (NZ) Ltd.
and Livestock Improvement.
Denis Jury, BoviQuest’s Product and Business Development
Manager, said the joint venture will provide farmers with the
ability to harness the recent and ongoing progress in genomics
science to enhance the production and composition of milk, and
address animal health issues such as mastitis – the ultimate aim
being the ability to customise milk sourced from easy-care cows.
“This is being done through multiple projects. One project,
known as the Friesian Jersey Crossbred Trial, brings the best of
the two most popular dairy breeds together in a herd of elite
crossbred animals. Research on these animals is generating a
huge amount of data relating to such things as health,
fertility, milk composition and other traits not routinely
recorded in the national herd.”
“BoviQuest is also involved in gene discovery. Once we’ve
clearly determined the benefits these discoveries offer farmers,
we’ll advertise and select suitable organisations to
commercialise the testing for these genes so these benefits can
be passed on to farmers.”
BoviQuest has already identified two genes which affect the
production of milkfat, protein and milk volumes. Tests have been
developed to check for the presence of these genes, a process
which will allow farmers to select for these characteristics in
their breeding decisions. Denis Jury said a licence was in the
process of being granted for the first of the two gene
discoveries and said the New Zealand licence holder would be
announcing its commercialisation within coming weeks.
International licencees are currently being sought.